The Maori Messenger - Ko te Karere Maori 1849-1854: Commentary

Te Karere Māori 1849-1854

The Maori Messenger

Bibliographic Details    Background    Subject Matter    Availability

Bibliographic Details

Published: Auckland, January 4, 1849-April 5, 1854.

470 x 310mm., 4 pages with occasional supplements, 4 columns, alternately English and Maori, issued fortnightly, no illustrations except for the Royal Coat of Arms surmounting the title, contains Government advertisements, probably freely distributed. The imprint reads, "Printed and published for the Local Government by Williamson and Wilson" (see The Anglo-Maori Warder for further information on these printers).

This newspaper was probably edited and translated by George Clark.

The last copy seen by Hocken was published on April 5, 1854. This date corresponds to Governor Grey's departure from New Zealand. The paper was reinstated in a new format nine months later (Te Karere Maori).

For further physical details refer to Herbert W. Williams, A Bibliography of Printed Maori to 1900, Item 194.

This paper is written in English with Maori translation.


It was a revival of Te Karere o Nui Tireni and contained similar material. The paper presented issues facing the Government and Maori people, essentially from the Government viewpoint. Hocken stated that "Political and polemical subjects were forbidden, those of general interest and value being alone admitted. Special attention was...paid to the cultivation of land and flax and the management of sheep and cattle" (Otago Daily Times, July 20, 1910).

Subject Matter

Content includes:

  • various issues from a Government point of view
  • correspondence from Maori people throughout New Zealand to the Governor and his replies
  • reports on districts throughout New Zealand
  • descriptions of British excursions to Taupo, Taranaki and other places
  • articles on law, banking and other British customs
  • articles on the customs and history of the "aborigines of New Zealand"
  • the civilisation of the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands
  • the coming of Cook and Tasman to New Zealand
  • smallpox, its effects and treatment
  • the aboriginal people of Australia
  • the origin of the wealth of English people
  • agricultural and horticultural societies, how to till the fields, farm the land, milk cows
  • the South Island
  • letter from Te Wherowhero to the Queen
  • annuity for Tamati Waka Nene
  • petition to the Queen from Ngati Toa
  • Motueka and Whakapuaka lands
  • original writing in Maori, both pakiwaitara (legends) and waiata (traditional chants) from Waikato
  • the murder trial of Raniera of Te Papa, Tauranga


This newspaper is on microfilm and microfiche. Original copies are held at:

Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington:

1850(all except Jan. 30, Feb. 28, and Dec.5)
1853(all except Jan.13, 27,March 10, April 21, June 30, Sept. 8, 22, Oct. 20, Nov. 3 and Dec.15)(Aug.11, 25 and Dec.1 imperfect).

Auckland Institute and Museum Library:

1850Jan.-Feb, March 27, May 22 and July 3
1854Jan.-May 4

Auckland Public Library:

1854Jan.-March 23

Canterbury Public Library, Christchurch:

1849Nov. 22

Hocken Library, Dunedin:

1854Jan.-April 6 (?)

Victoria University, Wellington:

1849March 29
1850June 6 and July 18
1853July 14.