This page contains help for the current collection. For general library help, please see the library help page. For more information about the Greenstone software, please see the About Greenstone page.
You can find your way to documents via 'browsing' or 'searching'. Browsing involves navigating through predefined categories and subcategories, or alphabetical lists. Searching will present you with a list of documents containing the specified terms in the selected text/metadata fields.
Browsing is pretty straightforward. Select the appropriate tab underneath the collection header to browse by that field. The browsing structures may be organised alphabetically or into categories and subcategories.
On every page is a quick search form. Enter your search terms, select which index you are searching (if there is a choice) and hit 'search'. Indicate phrases using double quotes around the phrase, e.g. "snail farming". All the default search settings will be used. Results are split into pages - use the next/prev arrows to navigate through the pages of search results.
If you want more control over your search settings you can use one of the alternate search forms listed underneath the quick search form.
There are lots of search parameters which you can set on the alternate search forms. (The quick search will use all the default values for these parameters.) This collection supports the following:
By default, your search results are presented in order of relevance: those documents more closely matching the search terms are presented first. This can be changed using the search options on the alternate search pages.
The document page can look quite different depending on how the collection is configured and what the source document was like. Some collections will display a table of metadata, with a link to the original, e.g. PDF, file. Other collections will convert their import documents to HTML, and display the HTML on the document page. If this is structured, there will be a table of contents displayed. Scanned image documents will display with a contents box that shows thumbnails of the pages.
Structured documents may be displayed with a table of contents. There are two main types of table of contents: Structured, and Paged Image. The former is for documents with sections and subsections, and displays a hierarchical list of section titles; the latter is for scanned image documents, and shows a list of thumbnails. Clicking a section title or thumbnail will open up the corresponding section/page of the document. Clicking 'Expand Document' will open up all the sections of the document, while 'Contract Document' will close them all. A Filter Pages options is provided with the Paged Image contents: use it to narrow down the range of thumbnail images shown.
A favourites option is available - this can be switched on/off in the preferences page. In search results or browsing lists, you can click on the icon by each document to add it to your favourites. The icon will highlight (
) to show that the document is in the list. Clicking again will remove it. A small box on the right hand side of the page will give you a link to view your favourites. From there you can delete favourites, view in different formats, and email the list to yourself.
This collection provides an RSS feed. View the RSS page by clicking the button. From here you can subscribe to the feed: then you will be notified if new documents get added to the collection.