Title Scientific problems of the humid tropical zone deltas and their implications: proceedings of the Dacca Symposium
Corporate authors Pakistan Academy of Sciences
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (Pakistan)
Association for the Advancement of Science (Pakistan)
University of Dacca
Imprint Paris, Unesco , 1966
Collation 422 p., illus., maps, 27 cm.
Series Humid tropics research
Notes Incl. bibl.
Keywords Proceedings on: <deltas><geomorphology><sedimentation><soil science><hydrology><hydrography><vegetation><biology><human activities effects><classification>
Meetings Symposium on Scientific Problems of the Humid Tropical Zone Deltas and their Implications, Dacca, 1964
Other language titles Les Problèmes scientifiques des deltas de la zone tropicale humide et leurs implications: actes du Colloque de Dacca, fre

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