
Technique pour la mesure de l'émission de gaz carbonique par les organes végétaux sur pied, en conditions définies de température et d'humidité relative
Leblond, C., Carlier, G.
Techniques for the measurement of transpiration of individual plants
Magalhaes, A.C., Franco, C.M.
Tentative classification and comparison with deltas of other climatic regions
Volker, Adriaan
Training courses available in developing ESCAP countries
Training for change agents; a guide to the design of training programs in education and other fields
Havelock, Ronald G., Havelock, Mary C. -University of Michigan (USA). Center for Research on Utilization of Scientific Knowledge
Unesco, an ideal in action
<The> United Nations and Rhodesia: a study in international law
Zacklin, Ralph
<The> Use of aerial photographs in delta studies
Verstappen, H.Th.
Vegetation as a geological agent in tropical deltas
Fosberg, F. Raymond
Water yields of forest, Maquis and grass covers in semi-arid regions: a literature review
Shachori, A.Y., Michaeli, A.
Wood-boring Teredinid shipworms Mollusca of mangroves in the Sunderbans, West Bengal
Roonwal, M.L.