Technique pour la mesure de l'émission de gaz carbonique par les organes végétaux sur pied, en conditions définies de température et d'humidité relative Leblond, C., Carlier, G. |
Techniques for the measurement of transpiration of individual plants Magalhaes, A.C., Franco, C.M. |
Tentative classification and comparison with deltas of other climatic regions Volker, Adriaan |
Training courses available in developing ESCAP countries ESCAP |
Training for change agents; a guide to the design of training programs in education and other fields Havelock, Ronald G., Havelock, Mary C. -University of Michigan (USA). Center for Research on Utilization of Scientific Knowledge |
Unesco, an ideal in action
<The> United Nations and Rhodesia: a study in international law Zacklin, Ralph |
<The> Use of aerial photographs in delta studies Verstappen, H.Th. |
Vegetation as a geological agent in tropical deltas Fosberg, F. Raymond |
Water yields of forest, Maquis and grass covers in semi-arid regions: a literature review Shachori, A.Y., Michaeli, A. |
Wood-boring Teredinid shipworms Mollusca of mangroves in the Sunderbans, West Bengal Roonwal, M.L. |