Personal statement Okatcha, F.M.M.O. |
<The> Peruvian model of innovation: the reform of basic education Churchill, Stacy, Guttmann, Ludwig -IBE |
Phenomenology and natural existence Riepe, Dale Maurice |
Philosophy and the novel; philosophical aspects of Middlemarch, Anna Karenina, The Brothers Karamazov, A la recherche du temps perdu and the methods of criticism
Plankton productivity in relation to tropical fish culture Prowse, G.A. |
Planning for satellite broadcasting: the Indian Instructional Television Experiment
<The> Politics of organizational decision-making Pettigrew, Andrew M. |
(Ponencias y otras documentos) OAS |
Population of East Pakistan Patel, A.M. |
Problems presented by soil microbiology in the humid tropics with reference to the deltas Singh, B.N. |
Problèmes de sédimentation dans les deltas Tison, Léon J. |
<The> Progress of the river deltas in Java Hollerw<ö=oe>ger, F. |
Psychoanalysis, scientific method, and philosophy; a symposium Hook, Sidney |
Report IBE |
<The> Role of dew in pine survival in soils below the wilting point and its measurement Stone, E.C. |
Scientific problems of the humid tropical zone deltas and their implications: proceedings of the Dacca Symposium Pakistan Academy of Sciences Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (Pakistan) Association for the Advancement of Science (Pakistan) University of Dacca |
Selected resolutions and recommendations of recent conferences and meetings of relevance to topics likely to be discussed at the meeting
Significant changes of river regime due to delta growth
Soils in the estuary of the Amazon Sioli, Harold |
Soils of East Pakistan Islam, M. Amirul |
Some factors involved in mangrove establishment Chapman, Valentine J. |
Some important animal pests and parasites of East Pakistan Yosufzai, H.K. |
Statistics on science and technology in Latin America; experience with Unesco pilot projects, 1972-1974 Thébaud, Schiller |
Studies in the philosophy of biology: reduction and related problems Ayala, Francisco Jose, Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich |
Studies on gaseous exchange physiology with regard to plant vitality Polster, H. |
Surface hydrology of deltaic areas Volker, Adriaan |
Sur les caractéristiques texturales et minéralogiques des sédiments récents et des sols alluviaux dans le delta du Mangoky, sud-ouest de Madagascar Hervieu, J. |