
Indirect methods of measurement of dry matter production
Lieth, H.
Influence of forests on the soil and microclimate in the humid tropics
Ghani, Q.
<The> Influence of hydraulic improvement works
Deguchi, K.
Influence of man's traditional activities on soils and vegetation
Boesch, H.
Innovation in science education - world-wide
Baez, Albert V.
<The> Interaction between science and philosophy
Elkana, Yehuda -Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Hebrew University (Israel)
Interaction of river and sea water in the absence of tides
Borichansky, L.S., Mikhailov, V.N.
<La> Concentration chimique par évaporation des eaux souterraines dans les deltas
Schoeller, Marc
<La> Croissance des effectifs scolaires dans les pays arabes; tendances et projections jusqu'en 1985
<La> Mise en place de politiques éducatives: rôle et méthodologie de la carte scolaire
Hallak, Jacques -IIEP
<La> Place de la géomorphologie dans l'étude de la mise en valeur des deltas tropicaux
Tricart, J.
<L'>Audit informatique
Saint Antonin, Claude
Leaf-disc method for determining water saturation deficit
Catsky, J.
List of periodicals; current holdings in the (IBE) Documentation Centre as of September 1976
IBE. Documentation Centre
<A> Long way from home; effects of public high schools on village children away from home
Kleinfeld, Judith S., Bloom, Joseph -University of Alaska (USA). Center for Northern Educational Research
University of Alaska (USA). Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research