Calculation model for the actual evapotranspiration from cropped areas and other terms of the water balance equation Makkink, G.F., Heemst, H.D.J. van |
Chandi Borobudur; a monument of mankind Soekmono, R. |
Classical Greece Bowra, <Sir> Cecil Maurice |
Colorimetric determination of CO2 exchange in field and laboratory Slavík, B., Catsky, J. |
Communication <Mc=mac>Quail, Denis |
Communication policies in Yugoslavia Lekovic, Zdravko, Bjelica, Mihalo -Yugoslav Institute of Journalism |
Comparative study on the geomorphology and flooding in the plains of the Cho-Shui-Chi, Chao-Phya, Irrawaddy and Ganges Ohya, Masahiko |
Comunicaçao/incomunicaçao no Brasil Melo, José Marques de -Uniao Crista Brasileira de Comunicaçao Social |
Conclusions and recommendations and extracts from statements ESCAP |
Conquest of violence: the Gandhian philosophy of conflict Bondurant, Joan V. |
Consultancy services available in developing ESCAP countries ESCAP |
<The> Controlled climate in the plant chamber and its influence upon assimilation and transpiration Bosian, G. |
Control of conditions in the plant chamber: fully automatic regulation of wind velocity, temperature and relative humidity to conform to microclimatic field conditions Bosian, G. |
Control of floods in East Pakistan Abbas, B.M. |
Cross-cultural universals of affective meaning Osgood, Charles Egerton, May, William H., Miron, Murray S. |
Cultural policy in the United Republic of Cameroon Bahoken, J.C., Atangana, Engelbert |
Cyprus: the vulnerable republic Bitsios, Dimitri S. -Institute for Balkan Studies (Cyprus) |
<The> Deltaic area of the Irrawaddy river in Burma Volker, Adriaan |
Deltas: a basis of culture and civilization B<ü=ue>del, J. |
Demand for part-time learning in Ontario Waniewicz, Ignacy -Ontario Educational Communications Authority (Canada) Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (Canada) |
Desarrollo y universidad Anaya, Ricardo |
<The> Determination of the evaporation from the plant cover and the surface of the soil by relating lysimeter and soil moisture measurements to potential evaporation Klausing, O. |
Determination of the internal water balance (hydrature) in the field by measuring suction force and refractive index Kreeb, K. |
Développement quantitatif de l'enseignement primaire dans les pays arabes à la lumière de la résolution de la Conférence de Marrakech sur l'enseignement obligatoire Unesco Regional Office for Education in the Arab States (Lebanon) |