
Calculation model for the actual evapotranspiration from cropped areas and other terms of the water balance equation
Makkink, G.F., Heemst, H.D.J. van
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Soekmono, R.
Classical Greece
Bowra, <Sir> Cecil Maurice
Colorimetric determination of CO2 exchange in field and laboratory
Slavík, B., Catsky, J.
<Mc=mac>Quail, Denis
Communication policies in Yugoslavia
Lekovic, Zdravko, Bjelica, Mihalo -Yugoslav Institute of Journalism
Comparative study on the geomorphology and flooding in the plains of the Cho-Shui-Chi, Chao-Phya, Irrawaddy and Ganges
Ohya, Masahiko
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Melo, José Marques de -Uniao Crista Brasileira de Comunicaçao Social
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<The> Controlled climate in the plant chamber and its influence upon assimilation and transpiration
Bosian, G.
Control of conditions in the plant chamber: fully automatic regulation of wind velocity, temperature and relative humidity to conform to microclimatic field conditions
Bosian, G.
Control of floods in East Pakistan
Abbas, B.M.
Cross-cultural universals of affective meaning
Osgood, Charles Egerton, May, William H., Miron, Murray S.
Cultural policy in the United Republic of Cameroon
Bahoken, J.C., Atangana, Engelbert
Cyprus: the vulnerable republic
Bitsios, Dimitri S. -Institute for Balkan Studies (Cyprus)
<The> Deltaic area of the Irrawaddy river in Burma
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Deltas: a basis of culture and civilization
B<ü=ue>del, J.
Demand for part-time learning in Ontario
Waniewicz, Ignacy -Ontario Educational Communications Authority (Canada)
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (Canada)
Desarrollo y universidad
Anaya, Ricardo
<The> Determination of the evaporation from the plant cover and the surface of the soil by relating lysimeter and soil moisture measurements to potential evaporation
Klausing, O.
Determination of the internal water balance (hydrature) in the field by measuring suction force and refractive index
Kreeb, K.
Développement quantitatif de l'enseignement primaire dans les pays arabes à la lumière de la résolution de la Conférence de Marrakech sur l'enseignement obligatoire
Unesco Regional Office for Education in the Arab States (Lebanon)