From: Ponerulappan
Date: Thu Nov 13 19:30:31 2008
Subject: [greenstone-users] Greenstone 2.81 released!
In reply to: 491BAC3C-4050204-cs-waikato-ac-nz

Is there any update an collection building as we have to build entire
collection for adding single file and it's difficult for and take much time
for biggest collections

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Anupama of Greenstone Team <
greenstone\> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We are pleased to announce that the Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS/X and
> Source distributions of Greenstone v2.81
> are now available for download from our sourceforge page:
> or from
> Release notes are copied below.
> This has been a long time coming, thank you for your patience.
> As always, please report any problems or bugs to the mailing list.
> Regards,
> Katherine and the rest of the Greenstone team.
> ------------------------------
> Greenstone 2.81 release notes
> ------------------------------
> Important changes in this release include, in no particular order:
> Installer:
> --------------
> The Greenstone installer downloads are now created using only open source
> software, including Ant Installer (,
> Apache Ant (, our own search4j (based on launch4j
>, and our own Greenstone release kits.
> We felt it was essential to move away from our existing, closed-source
> installer suite as it was not in the spirit of Greenstone to rely on
> proprietary software, and it invited the unnecessary cost of keeping the
> suite
> up-to-date.
> Using only open source software has also given us the freedom to customise
> the
> user experience of the installers. Where a feature was lacking in one of
> the
> open source packages, we have enjoyed the ability to "open the hood" and
> implement it.
> With the development of the Greenstone release kits we are now able to
> generate
> releases of Greenstone automatically and unattended. This process takes
> just
> 20 minutes, and it has helped us a lot in the development and testing of
> new
> features of Greenstone. We have been able to set up a feedback loop, where
> code
> committed one day is included in an automatic nightly snapshot release
> made
> available for download on our website the next day. Our users have also
> benefited from being able to obtain up-to-date snapshot releases of
> Greenstone
> in between our official releases.
> These daily snapshots are available through:
> On Windows, the version number is included in the Start Menu which means
> that
> multiple installations of Greenstone will have their own entries in the
> Start
> Menu. The installer no longer writes to the registry, so installation no
> longer requires administrator privileges.
> ImageMagick is now bundled with Greenstone for binary web releases for all
> platforms (previously it was only provided on a CD-ROM release) and
> includes
> JPEG2000 support. The installer offers the option to install this or not.
> You can skip installing it if you already have ImageMagick previously
> installed.
> Ghostscript is now bundled with Greenstone for binary web releases for
> Windows
> and Mac. The installer offers the option to install this or not. You can
> skip installing it if you already have Ghostscript previously installed.
> Importing and Plugin Changes:
> ------------------------------
> Plugin Restructuring: The plugins have been restructured. This has been
> done
> mostly for coding efficiency. The most noticeable change is that plugins
> have
> been renamed. xxxPlug now becomes xxxPlugin, and some have also had their
> names
> modified or expanded to be clearer. For example, DBPlug is now
> DatabasePlugin,
> PPTPlug is PowerPointPlugin. The complete list of new plugins can be seen
> at
> Old collections should
> still build okay in GLI, which will map the old plugin names to the new
> ones.
> Command line building should also work, but the configuration file won't be
> altered to use the new names.
> A lot of work has been done trying to get Greenstone to work properly with
> non-ascii filenames. Two versions of the filename are stored, [Source] for
> displaying the filename, and [SourceFile] for linking to the file from a
> web page.
> The -smart\_block option (most commonly seen with HTMLPlugin) has been
> deprecated
> . Instead we have a first pass through the documents to find out which ones
> should be blocked.
> MARCPlugin and MARCXMLPlugin can now map metadata to Qualified Dublin Core
> as
> well as Dublin Core.
> MARCXMLPlugin now assigns metadata from metadata.xml files.
> EMAILPlugin now saves binary attachments as binary files on Windows
> ImagePlugin and PagedImagePlugin now offer the -cache\_generated\_images
> option
> to prevent thumbnails and screenview images being recreated each import.
> OAIPlugin saves the metadata as Dublin Core rather than moving it all to
> the ex
> metadata set. This means that it won't show up in the GLI unless the files
> are
> exploded. Exploding is now available for OAI records.
> ProCitePlugin no longer uses the pc namespace. Metadata is stored using the
> field names set in the workform definition, rather than using Field1Name
> and
> Field1Value etc..
> -reversesort option to to be used with -sortmeta option to sort
> in
> reverse order.
> Tidied up OID generation. OIDtype and OIDmetadata options are now available
> for each plugin as well as globally from Hashing usually occurs
> on
> the original file, but some plugins specify that hashing should be done on
> the
> Greenstone XML document.
> Building and Indexing Changes:
> -------------------------------
> Improvements to Lucene incremental building. Lucene document identifiers
> now
> match Greenstone identifiers, rather than 1, 2, 3. Rebuilding with no new
> documents shouldn't break the index.
> MGPP and Lucene building tidied up. 'allfields' now means combined
> searching
> over all specified indexes (not all document metadata) for both mgpp and
> lucene.
> 'metadata' will index all metadata, but no longer reindexes metadata that
> has
> already been specified. MGPP indexing over combined fields now works
> properly.
> New collection configuration file option: infodbtype. Values include gdbm
> (the
> default), gdbm-txtgz, sqlite, mssql. This specifies what database system to
> use
> for the collection metadata database. Currently this needs to be added to
> collect.cfg by hand, as it is not available in GLI yet.
> gdbm: the default, and is what has always been used previously. This is
> platform dependent. It transfers between Windows and Linux, but not to/from
> a
> Mac.
> gdbm-txtgz: A gzipped text version of the database. At runtime, the first
> time
> this collection is accessed, it will be unpacked and converted to the
> appropriate GDBM database using txt2db. This is a good choice if you are
> creating a collection to be used on another operating system, especially if
> one or more of those operating systems is a Mac.
> sqlite: Platform independent database using SQLite. The new dynamic
> classifiers
> (created at runtime) can be used with this database. See
> for more information. Thanks to DL Consulting
> mssql: Windows specific database using MS SQL Server. See
> for information about how to set this up. Thanks to DL Consulting
> Depositor:
> ------------
> Collection editing using the Depositor is now enabled by default for the
> admin
> user.
> The metadata fields offered for each document can now easily be customised
> from the GLI.
> By default, the depositor will import and build each document into the
> collection when it is added. It can now be easily set up to just "deposit"
> the item without rebuilding.
> See\_to\_use\_the\_depositor for
> more information.
> -------
> A new right-click file option for binary files that go through a conversion
> process to be imported, such as PDF, Word and PowerPoint files. "Replace
> source
> document with HTML" will convert the original file to HTML and replace it
> in
> the collection. This means that the converted HTML (which may be
> unattractive)
> can now be modified in the collection. This is available for Remote GLI
> too.
> A new right-click file option on the collection tree background to refresh
> the
> file view. This is useful if you have manually added files to the
> collection
> outside of GLI.
> MetadataXMLPlugin has been moved 'below the line' in the Plugins panel so
> cannot be removed in GLI. If you are using GLI to add metadata, then you
> need
> this plugin.
> The Export As option now only exports one collection at a time. Collections
> can be exported as GreenstoneMETS, FedoraMETS, MARCXML and DSpace archive.
> 'NavigationBar pulldown' added to the list of format options - this makes
> the
> navigation 'bar' a drop down list instead of a bar across the page.
> Lots of work done on making the Download panel work better, including
> getting
> download processes to terminate when they are cancelled or when GLI is
> closed
> while they are still running.
> New panel under the Format tab, "Depositor Metadata" which allows
> customisation of which metadata fields should be offered in the depositor
> for
> that collection.
> CJK segmentation option has been added to GLI. This doesn't do proper word
> segmentation, but adds a space in between each CJK character. The character
> ranges have been expanded to work with Japanese and Korean. It is applied
> to
> metadata as well as document text.
> New panel under the Create tab allowing the scheduling of automatic
> collection
> rebuilding.
> Greenstone Runtime:
> ----------------------
> Large code restructuring. Code is split between common-src, build-src and
> runtime-src. Makes it easer to use code in other projets, such as
> Greenstone 3
> and running Greenstone on an iPhone/iPod Touch.
> External links now default to going straight to the web page, rather than
> showing a warning page first.
> Improvements to the oaiserver, thanks to DL Consulting. Resumption token
> support has been added, and it now validates against online validation
> tools.
> Greenstone now compiles for Linux on 64-bit platforms. All programs are
> compiled natively for 64-bit, except for those that rely on mg/mgpp, which
> still need to be 32-bit compiled. As part of the configure/make process,
> the
> correct flags are automatically set, so from the developers point of view
> you
> compile up Greenstone on a 64-bit machine the exact same way you do for any
> other Unix-based system.
> FLI - Fedora Librarian Interface
> ---------------------------------
> The Fedora Librarian Interface (FLI) is very much like GLI in that it
> allows
> you to gather together your documents. It then uses Greenstone's ability to
> convert documents into the FedoraMETS format so that these can be ingested
> (put into) a Fedora repository. The process of building a collection using
> exports documents into a repository maintained by a Fedora server rather
> than
> one maintained by Greenstone. In order to use FLI, you will need to have
> Fedora installed. More information on how to install Fedora and set it up
> to work with FLI, and how to run FLI itself, can be found in the documents:
> 1. Installing Fedora (2.2.1/3.0) and Fedora-related information
> 2. Installing Fedora Generic Search (to provide full-text indexing and
> searching capabilities for a Fedora repository)
> 3. Running FLI, the Fedora Librarian Interface
> Translations:
> --------------
> Thanks to:
> John Rose, for help with English GLI help, French translations for GLI and
> Greenstone.
> Celine Guimbertaud for GLI French translations
> Maxime Rouast for Greenstone French translations
> Yohannes Mulugeta and Abiyot Bayou for Greenstone Amharic translations
> Kamal Salih for GLI Arabic translations
> Gerhard Riesthuis for Greenstone Dutch translations
> Mohan Raj Pradhan for GLI Nepali translations.
> ...and many other minor improvements and bug fixes
> We want to ensure that Greenstone works well for you. Please report any
> problems to the Greenstone mailing list
> [email protected].
> [DL Consulting ( are the world's leading
> suppliers
> of commercial consulting, customization, support, maintenance and hosting
> services for the Greenstone digital library software suite.]
> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
> greenstone-users mailing list
> [email protected]

Thanks & Best Regards
Pons (Ponerulappan)
Library & Information Services, Cognizant Academy
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