From: Amos Kujenga
Date: Thu Nov 13 00:09:45 2008
Subject: [greenstone-users] Help with Greenstone Search options!
In reply to: 115149-51880-qm-web52408-mail-re2-yahoo-com

Hi Chedza,

I'd be glad to assist if possible, however, what is the exact problem
that you are facing, i.e., would you be more specific? For instance,
are you creating collections on a local machine or using Remote
Greenstone Librarian Interface, etc?



On 11/12/08, Chedza Molefe <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> After going through training, we started to work with the GSDL. We managed,
> after some struggle, to create some collections and we have since been
> populating and indexing. We have, however hit a snag when we tried to create
> more collections.
> While the initial batch of collections offers options to search by several
> entry points such as Title, Author, keywords, date, material formats etc,
> the collections remain stuck on the default just searching for some words.
> We have tried to base the collections entirely on the existing ones and this
> does not help. I am appealing to colleagues who may have better understand
> to please guide us on finding a solution to this.
> I thank you all.
> Chedza Molefe
> Archivist
> African Union Commission Archivist
> P.O. Box 3243
> Addis Ababa
> Ethiopia
> Tel. 00251 11 551 0358
> Fax. 00251 11 551 7844
> Cell. 00251 9121 4834 0