From: Lavji Zala |
Date: Sat Nov 1 01:12:21 2008 |
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [greenstone-users] What is ISIS use for?] |
Dear Likedom,
CDS/ISIS stands for "Computerized Documentation System-Integrated Set for
Information Systems". If you have any collection/database (e.g. Book) in
ISIS you can drag following three files to your greenstone collection
(e.g. books).
The greenstone automatically will creat exp metadata/elements.
Lavji Zala
Assistant Librarian
Knowledge Exchange & Information Centre (KEIC)
Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA)
Shela Village
Ahmedabad -380058
>> >>> Luke Onwuka <lukedom\[email protected]> 10/29/08 6:46 AM >>>
>> I have been hearing of the word ISIS but i have not use it for once. Can
>> anyone give me little note on what ISIS means and how it can be use with
>> Greenstone?
>> Thank you.
>> Lukedom
> It is a plugin that processes ISIS database files. I have never used it
> either, but I have no need to use it.
> The Greenstone Wiki Plugins page says:
> ISIS database files
> Running " ISISPlug" from the command line, the description
> says:
> This plugin processes CDS/ISIS databases. For each CDS/ISIS database
> processed, three files must exist in the collection's import
> folder: the Master file (.mst), the Field Definition Table (.fdt), and
> the Cross-Reference File (.xrf).
> A quick Google'n and I found Unesco's CDS/ISIS page:
> Hope this helps.
> Gavin Spomer
> Systems Programmer
> Brooks Library
> Central Washington University
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