From: Amos Kujenga
Date: Sat Nov 8 01:20:48 2008
Subject: [greenstone-users] A-Z Compact list display
In reply to: 20081107094224-12E713E000D-mx1-its-waikato-ac-nz

Hi Renate,

Try changing <td valign="top">[link][icon][/link]</td>
to <td valign="top">{If}{[numleafdocs],[link][icon][/link]}</td>

The If statement should ensure that Greenstone only displays the
bookshelf icons (when leaf nodes exist) and not the links to the html
versions created by Greenstone.

Kindly confirm if this has solved your problem.


On 11/7/08, Renate Morgenstern <> wrote:
>>I have a collection of PDF documents converted to HTML. In the
>>display of an A-Z Compact List I just want the PDF link and not the
>>link to the html files generated by Pdftohtml. When I remove the
>>link to the html, then the link in the A-Z Classifier also
>>disappears. Here is my current format. How should I format it to
>>only display the link to the PDF?
>><td valign="top">[link][icon][/link]</td>
>><td valign="top">[highlight]
>>{If}{[dc.Numbers], - No. <i>[dc.Numbers]</i>}</td>
> Mrs Renate Morgenstern
> University of Namibia Library
> Windhoek, Namibia
> Tel.: +264 61 2063869
> [email protected]