From: Timothée Baret
Date: Wed Nov 26 01:48:45 2008
Subject: [greenstone-users] Re: gli-client 2.80 http error code=500, (Anupama of Greenstone Team)


I send you the summary about the work our informatician did to solve our
problem thank to your advices :

> 1. Might there be any typos in the URL you used? For instance, when I
> set the browser to the base URL you used (,
> nothing seems to load and I eventually get a Connection Failed:
> Connection Timed Out (110) error.

Sorry, is a local address, only accessible from our
private network.

> 2. Have you followed the instructions on the wiki page
> 3. If you had already done step 2, did you get a success message on
> pointing your browser to
> http://<your-machine-name>:<port>/gsdl/cgi-bin/
> This is a very important step, and unless you get a success message
> here, the rest will not work.

This test didn't work, I received the source code off the script instead
off the result. Your tip helped us finding the problem : the path to
perl interpretor was wrong in

> Please try out the above and tell us how you go.

Thanks, we can start working with Greestone now.
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