From: Anupama of Greenstone Team |
Date: Mon Nov 24 12:26:29 2008 |
Subject: Re: [greenstone-users] RV: Problemas con la Instalación de Greenstone |
In reply to: 4F56FEAA68D9344C90DF91BB77DE3EF0734878-phoenix-RedDipres-cl |
I'm sorry I can't speak Spanish, I will have to write in English instead.
Can you gives us more information, like:
1. What version of Greenstone 2 are you using? 2.80, the latest 2.81rc
or another?
2. Are you running it on Windows or is your PC a Linux?
3. Is there any text in the DOS console or terminal when you try to run
GLI and it fails?
Judith Tapia L. wrote:
> Estimados Seâ¡ores
> Tengo instalado en mi PC el software Greenstone, pero NO funciona la
> interfaz para el biblioteacrio, osea no lo puedo abrir ni agregar ningâ¡n
> registro.
> Agradezvo sus comentarios. Les saluda atentamente desde Santiago de Chile
> Judith Tapia Lorca
> Bibliotecaria
> Ministerio de Hacienda de Chile
> Fono 473 26 33
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