From: Katherine Don |
Date: Mon Nov 24 10:54:27 2008 |
Subject: [greenstone-users] Problem in visibility of Keywords |
In reply to: 35756-61-95-254-18-1227338787-squirrel-www-mica-ac-in |
That's great that you have managed to work this out yourself.
A slightly simpler format statement would be
{If}{[dc.Keyword],<br><b>Keywords:</b>[sibling(All:\\'; \\'):dc.Keyword]}
This tests for the existence of dc.Keyword metadata, then prints them
all out.
Lavji Zala wrote:
> Dear Katherine,
> The problem has been resolved with your greate help. I have used following
> string.
> {If}{[sibling(All:\\'; \\'):dc.Keyword],<b><br>Keywords:
> </b>[sibling(All:\\'; \\'):dc.Keyword]}
> Thank you very much...
> Lavji Zala