From: Amin Hedjazi
Date: Mon Nov 3 20:32:45 2008
Subject: [greenstone-devel] Fwd: Question: how to have Greenstone ina webArchive format (.war)
In reply to: 4105c9810811022324l19bc6f16t8651d49343c41ff2-mail-gmail-com

hellow my name is amin hedjazi i am working to locolize greenstone3 for
persan language
and now i have some problems , i want to deploy greenstone3 on a nother
server .
sofar i have been building greenstone3 trunk version on eclipse and have
been runing it with its own .bat file
which runs it under a embedded tomcat as a local server now i want to deploy
my work on a public apache tomcat server which i have acces to by
only the Online manager and i need the .war file too deploy GreenStone3
Files and servlet i wonder if any body out there coulde help me on this.
thank you amin hedjazi
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