From: Amin Hedjazi
Date: Mon Nov 24 20:25:48 2008
Subject: [greenstone-devel] collection building customization

hi , it me again :D
and i need some help an opinions .
i am using GS3 .
what i want to do is to build a pdf collection
may be better to call it file collection
i want to enter some pdf files with their metadata and a abstract text in
the collection
the collection soulde be sherchable from the metadata types and the abstract
and the content of an document in the web site soulde be a table showing
some metadata and the abstract and a download link to
the pdf file* i know that this in posible with editing the greenstone
fromats in the GLI or manualy.*
and i do not want to use pdf plugin , becuse my pdfs are not standard ones
and i have problems when using pdf plug.
*first what kindes of plugins shoulde i use ? is the unknownPlug for this
reason ?*
i know how to edite the formats in the GLI (browse,search,dispaly ...) but i
dont now the exact syntax for
greenstone fromats and i couldent finde any document on them so :
*is their a document for greenstone3 format syntax for out their?*
*how shoulde i enter the abstract text? shoulde it be in a metadata field or
is their another option for longer abstracts ?*
and am going to enter the metadata in persian language
their wouldent be any steming an accent an case options support for persian
*shoulde i use Lucene or Mg and Mgpp are better ?*
what i want to do heare is some thing like in hear :

but i do not want to index the pdf file it self
i woulde appreciate your help .
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