From: Oran of Greenstone Team |
Date: Fri Nov 21 14:54:28 2008 |
Subject: [greenstone-devel] Question about greenstone trac ? |
In reply to: 4105c9810811200000h7441120brb176433ed8bb6bec-mail-gmail-com |
Answers below.
Amin Hedjazi wrote:
> hello every one i saw the greenstone traces and now i have some
> questions .
> when some one makes a new ticket in the trac system
> who woulde be responsible for solving the problem ?
The ticket would start out as unassigned. Then anyone who wanted to fix
it can accept it by entering their username. If we think it is an urgent
problem we will fix it ourselves as soon as possible.
> if i can do some thing about one where can i sobmit my code ?(is it
> the attach file button in the trac under Attachments)
Yes that will do nicely.
> and if so ,lets say i made some changes to some source code in the app
> , which files should upload ?
Just the source files you have modified.
> and who manages all the updates to be made or not ?
Someone in the Greenstone team will look at the changes and run some
tests and then decide whether to commit them to the repository. Please
send us an email to alert us when you have submitted changes, as we
might miss it otherwise.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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