From: Anupama of Greenstone Team |
Date: Wed Dec 17 18:46:58 2008 |
Subject: [greenstone-users] Re: [greenstone-devel] Technical question |
In reply to: 407437-74551-qm-web55406-mail-re4-yahoo-com |
1. Can you tell us what version of Greenstone you were trying to
install? For instance, was it the recent Greenstone 2.81 rc2?
2. What is the operating system you are trying to install it on?
Windows, Linux or a Mac OS? And which version of the OS are you running?
Is there any other specific environment information which you think it
will be useful for us to know about?
Do also try the links to the latest binaries (nightly snapshots) that
Quan (qq6) provided.
3. If you would rather try to install Greenstone from its source code,
there are some additional links related to what Quan provided on the
All the best,
Katya Boroday wrote:
> The Tatarstan Center of the Scientific and Technical Information would
> like to use the on-line version of Greenstone's digital libraries in our
> work. Unfortunately, we can't install the necessary software because of
> the some technical reasons. Please, help us to solve this problem.
> Looking forward to hear from you, Boroday Katya
> Russia, Kazan
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