hello every one
can any body out there tell me what is the line 231 in file
\\gs2build\\perllib\\gsprintf.pm is good for ?
i wanted to traslate the strings.properties inside \\gs2build\\perllib\\ to
but when i made a strings\_fa.properties file like other traslations and
saved it az utf-8 it returnd an error while
trying to load the gli
so i traced back the error and got to the line 231 in file
\\gs2build\\perllib\\gsprintf.pm and that wolude be the line below
$linetext =~
becouse of this line my xml out put from the file downloadeinfo.pl wasent
well formed
and i got the error when i was trying to load the gli
but when i commented out the line 231 in file \\gs2build\\perllib\\gsprintf.pm
my errors where gone and the gli loaded perfectly whit my traslations in
there own palceses
so sombody please tell me what is this line good for and
if that problem was spose to be a bug shoulde i report it in the tracs ?
tnx every one
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