From: Gavin Spomer
Date: Wed Dec 10 08:08:30 2008
Subject: [greenstone-users] Re: [greenstone-devel] Plugin Developement
In reply to: 493C7585-8050605-cs-waikato-ac-nz

Thanks Katherine.

Gavin Spomer
Systems Programmer
Brooks Library
Central Washington University

>>> Katherine Don <> 12/07/08 5:16 PM >>>
Hi Amin (and Gavin, since you asked this question a while ago)

There is not much documentation, sorry. There is a little bit on the wiki, and some of it hasn't been updated, so different pages may relate to different versions of greenstone. The plugin structures have changed for 2.81. If you are developing plugins, then I suggest you use 2.81 as the new inheritance hierarchy should make it easier to develop a new plugin.

The best way is to start with the plugin that is most similar to what you want to do, then modify the bits of code that need to be different.

On the wiki: : is a list of all plugins and what they do (2.81+)\_Plugins : a bit more info about the code (2.80-)\_getting\_the\_most\_out\_of\_your\_documents.htm: part of the developers guide, talking about plugins.

I want to update the wiki with this kind of info about developing plugins, but just never seem to find the time...


Amin Hedjazi wrote:hi there
does any boyd knows where i can fined some documents on greenstone plugin developements
and the plugin programatical structures ?
greenstone-devel mailing [email protected]