From: E Robinson
Date: Thu Dec 4 21:32:03 2008
Subject: [greenstone-users] Reader of a CD with a Greenstone collection
In reply to: 4920D52B-5080009-cs-waikato-ac-nz

I have published two fairly small Greenstone collections on a CD, and
have found that some have given up trying to install it through problems
they have encountered.

What is the minimum configuration and other software needed to install a
collection on a Windows computer? Is Java needed for accessing a collection?

I have put the following note with later CDs and it has slowed the
complaints, but many of the users are not very computer literate, and
problems are still occurring. One user told me today that he was able to
install on his work machine but cannot on his home machine.
The CD should be self installing. We recommend using the directory
suggested by the installation programme for the Greenstone software, and
when the choice is given electing to install the collections to the hard
disk (provided there is room on the hard disk; the installation process
suggests that about 800Mb is needed). If the collections are not loaded
to the hard disk they still run reasonable well, if a little slower, but
the CD is needed each time the collections are used.

The CD will not install properly on computers using operating systems
other than Windows. Some users have experienced problems with the
software wishing to set itself up as a local server ? it may need to be
authorised in the Windows or other Firewall. It has been suggested that
because it does act that way, users who do not have a firewall may be
best to disconnect from the internet while using the programme, but we
are not aware of any problems from leaving internet connections open
while running the Library.

The next version will almost certainly be hosted on a web site, but that
will not be until next year . . .

Ed Robinson
Wellington, New Zealand