From: Katherine Don
Date: Sat Dec 20 21:08:06 2008
Subject: [greenstone-users] Date list display
In reply to: 494787A2-9020705-iway-na

Hi Renate

If you have 39 documents or less, then the DateList doesn't make the
horizontal list of dates. The dates that are displayed vertically down
the page are actually special formatting of the document items. You can
get rid of this using the -no\_special\_formatting option to DateList.
When you add more documents, the classifier is generating the horizontal
list of dates, and the list of docs is split up by those dates. I
suspect that your format statement is a bit wrong, and is making the
horizontal links invisible. And because you are only looking at one set
of docs, then all the other ones are not there.

I have just looked at your collect.cfg file
You have used dc.Title in the HList format statement instead of Title.
Classifier bookshelves or horizontal links only have Title metadata, not

Try changing the format statement, add another document and see how it


Renate Morgenstern wrote:
> Good day,
> We have a collection of 41 PDF documents (old prospectussess). One of
> the browsing
> classifiers is the year and I use the date list for it. However, when
> viewing not all the years are showing. I have tried many options, but
> with no success. I then removed 2 documents from the collection, and
> there all the documents could be seen under the year. Then I added one
> again, and the same problem as before. What is also puzzling, is that
> the year is not displayed as a horizontal line above the documents,
> but a vertical line with all the documents for that year next to each.
> One can view it online at:
> I can send the collect.cfg file off-line.
> Regards
> Renate
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