From: Katherine of Greenstone Team
Date: Sat Dec 20 20:13:57 2008
Subject: [greenstone-users] incomplete marc file
In reply to: BAY115-W10D605E2F72C39268CBD6596270-phx-gbl

Hi Ehab

What version of Greenstone are you using? I have just tried it with your
marc file. It was a bit strange, at first I had the same problem as you,
but then it seemed to be working.

Can you please download the new greenstone release, 2.81 (not an rc
version), from

Then you'll need to recompile to enable the z3950 server, in the same
way that you did for your current version.

Then please build the collection in the new version and see if it works
for you.

One thing you can check is to look at the archive files for the
collection (gsdl/collect/collname/archives) You should see some of the
metadata from the marc record in the doc.xml file.

Currently the z3950 server does a mapping from dublin core metadata to
marc fields, but it must have no namespace. ie the metadata needs to be
Title, Subject etc, not dc.Title, dc.Subject etc.
We will be looking to change this in a future release.

Once you have done all this, please let me know how you get on. I'd
like to make sure that it is working for you.


Ehab Galal wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am a new user of greenstone. I am trying to build a bibliography
> library to be accessible through Z39.50.
> I created a collection using the attached 1.marc (a marc record). When
> I search the library using EndNote or even using greenstone download
> feature, I get an incomplete marc record, in the attached 2.marc
> Are there any settings that I missed to set?
> Thanks a lot,
> Ehab
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