Sustainable Energy News - No. 4 March 1994

Sustainable Energy News - No. 4 March 1994

ISSN 0908-4134

Newsletter for the International Network for Sustainable Energy - INforSE


1 Sustainable Energy News

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Published by: l INforSE

P.O. Box 2059,

DK - 1013 Copenhagen K in cooperation with

OVE - The Danish Organization for Renewable Energy

Willemoesgade 14

DK-2100 Kobenhavn 0

Ph: +45-31429091, fax: -31429095 E-mail: [email protected]


Ann Vikkelso, Gunnar Olesen, Judit Szoleczky, OVE

Rene Karottki, Forum for Energy and Development

Technical Editor: Lars Yde,

Folkecenter for Renewable Energy P.O.Box 208, DK-7760 Hurup Thy Ph: +45-97956600, Fax:-9795656

Drawings: Katia Ibanez

Deadline for next issue: 25.5.94

Next issue: June 1994

The newsletter is quarterly. Contributions are welcomed. Feel free to use the information you find in Sustainable Energy News.

Annual subscription rate: US$ 15 Sustainable Energy News will be distributed free of charge to NGOs as long as possible.

Supported by: Forum for Energy and Development.


International Network for Sustainable Energy is a worldwide NGO network formed at Global Forum in Rio, June 1992.

Regional Contacts:

Stephen Karekezi, FOOD, Kenya Youba Sokona, ENDA, Senegal Raymond Myles, AFPRO, India Benjamin Gertes, Philippines

Emil Bedi, FAE- SZOPK, Slovakia Gunnar Olesen, OVE, Denmark Martin Prieto, REDES, Uruguay Emilio Rovere, IED, Brazil

Nancy Hirsh, ECC, USA


Join the INforSE Network !

INforSE is open to membership for independent organizations. All interested organizations will be granted associate membership and will receive this newsletter.

Core members of INforSE are organizations that are approved by their respective INforSE region and that will support in their words and actions the energy strategy behind INforSE, Sustainable Energy Development - Towards a World Strategy. Core members have voting rights at regional meetings. Procedures for membership are decided on regional level.

Do not hesitate to contact INforSE regarding membership for your organization.



2 Editorial: energy and jobs

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Against Underdevelopment in Latin America

Small scale renewable energy projects have an important potential to foster an environmentally sound economic and social development of Latin American counties, specially in rural areas. The availability of energy for productive activities can help to create jobs and support local economic growth leading to an improvement of overall quality of life. This is badly needed in the country and in urban surroundings, where low income populations are concentrated. Millions of people fall under this category due to the skew income distribution pattern throughout the Latin American continent. Their situation further deteriorated during the eighties (a lost decade in the region) due to the economic recession. The widening extension of famine and malnutrition has become a source of increasing concern.

In Brazil, non governmental organizations started a nation-wide campaign of solidarity with starving people. This spread to encompass a large number of initiatives through creation of local committees in neighbourhoods and institutions including state-owned and private companies. Besides trying to provide some immediate relief to the poor through food donations, the campaign is also aimed to handle the roots of the problem setting the goal of increasing employment opportunities. A positive synergy between this campaign and the launching of a Sustainable Energy Strategy could then be explored. It will demand a deeper involvement of NGOs with actual demonstration of appropriate energy technologies in the field, which is still lacking in Brazil.

Of course the successful launching of a Sustainable Energy Strategy in Latin America will still largely depend on the support obtained from governmental energy policies. The present situation in this respect has considerably worsened since the seventies, when important efforts were directed towards the technological development of new and renewable energy sources. Due to the dropping of oil prices and to the financial difficulties faced by all governments in the region, renewable energy research and development budgets were squeezed. In contrast, nuclear power is still actively supported in some countries of the Latin American continent. (See news in the last issue of SEN about a new nuclear power plant in Brazil).

These issues will be addressed in the Latin American Regional Meeting scheduled to take place next April in Brasilia. It will be held simultaneously with the IV FLEA/ELAN in order to gather the NGOs already involved in the anti-nuclear movement. An expected outcome of the meeting is a Working Plan to support a Sustainable Energy Strategy in Latin America linked with a Campaign for Employment Generation, in the framework of INforSE activities.

Emilio L. La Rovere IED and COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



3 Greeca

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Global Renewable Energy and Ecology Centres for Action held its first meeting on March 7-12, 1994 at Folkecenter for Renewable Energy (FC) in Denmark. 5 organizations from five different countries - China, India, Cuba, Tanzania and Denmark - formed the consortium GREECA. Preben Maegaard from FC was elected as chairman for 3 years.

GREECA activities will include: exchange of experts, practical technology transfer, training and promotion.



4 Regional News - Africa

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Regional INforSE meeting in Eastern Africa, March 22

The first meeting of INforSE Eastern Africa will be held at March 22, 1994 in Nairobi, Kenya, following the African Energy Initiative Seminar. The Agenda of the INforSE meeting will include: discussion of the NGO strategy Sustainable Energy Development Towards a World Strategy,

· proposed national activities as compilation of a directory of NGOs involved in sustainable energy projects and a directory of energy efficiency and renewable energy technology distributors and manufacturers,

· a proposal for establishment of an Association of Energy Efficient and Renewable Energy Technology Distributors in Eastern and Southern Africa, national level workshops that enhance information exchange and share experiences on sustainable energy activities,

Campaign on Sustainable Energy and Social Development.

Contact: FOOD, att. Mumbua Munywoki & Stephen Karekezi, P.O.Box 30979, Nairobi, Kenya, ph: +254-2566032, fax: +254-2-561464.

Success for fuel efficient cookstoves in Kenya

The number of energy efficient wood and charcoal stoves in use in Eastern Africa is rapidly increasing to decrease the consumption of woodfuel and to increase the standard of living. A well known success is the charcoal stove Kenya Ceramic Jiko - KCJ (presented in Soft Energy Worldwide, May 1992), which is now used in millions of homes in Eastern Africa. The introduction of Kuni Mbili Jiko (Swahili for stove using two pieces of firewood) from 1984 was another revolutionary idea. The Kuni Mbili design is a bridge between the conventional three-stone fire and the KCJ. It is easy to light, portable, less smoky, and consumes less firewood (saves 30%). It will easily burn all available biomass including maize cobs and stalks, twigs and cow dung.

Beside households, kitchens at institutions have a large potential for increased efficiency in their use of woodfuel. In 1980 woodfuel accounted for 84% of total energy consumed in commercial and public institutions in Kenya, and the amount is growing. One of the leading NGOs in Kenya, KENGO (Kenya Energy and Environmental NGOs), has developed a large, efficient stove for institutional use, KENGO Institutional Jiko (KU). If such a stove is introduced in 550 schools, wood consumption equivalent to about 4500 acres of forest could be saved annually. The response to the KIJ is very encouraging. Now institutions all over Kenya have these stoves and the demand is increasing. Well over 3000 institutional stoves have been installed already. The KIJ is a reliable and fast cooking stove that can cater for 50- 100 people. It can keep food warm for over 8 hours and gives a smoke-free, cool kitchen.

KENGO is developing new types of efficient stoves and other renewable energy technologies. More information: KENGO, P.O.Box

48197, Nairobi, Kenya, ph:+254-2-749747/48281.

Source: KENGO makes Cooking Easier, Alice Wafula, Environment Times, November 1993, Nairobi, Kenya.

More than 1000 solar homes in Senegal

In Senegal the majority of the population lives in the country and has little scope of being connected to a central grid in a foreseeable future. This is the background for the dissemination of solar home systems by the Projet Senegalo-Allemand d'Energie Solaire. The project has disseminated more than 1000 solar home systems in Senegal, mainly for lighting. Based on`previous experience the project has developed a solar home system that is appropriate for rural households in Senegal.

The typical solar home system consists of a panel, a battery, a control system, 4 incandescent 10W lamps and an electric outlet for 6/12 Volt. incandescent lamps were chosen for the project instead of fluorescent lamps that gives considerable more light; but they are 10 times as expensive as incandescent lamps and not easily available. The 4 lamps can be switched on for 4 hours each, after days with normal sunlight; this is usually sufficient. The number of lamps was chosen to correspond to the number of wifes (4) that one man can have according to Islam, the major religion in Senegal.

Local associations are involved in the introduction of the solar home systems, and the systems are usually financed by revolving fund, managed by the associations. They also have a role in the necessary maintenance of the solar home systems, and in maintaining information about the systems and their use. In each association there are two or three technicians with sufficient skills and with access to spare parts.

The Senegalese state has exempted photovoltaic equipment from VAT and import duties. This is done because of the importance of solar home systems and other photovoltaic applications increasing the living conditions for the rural population.

Source: Projet Senegalo-Allemand d'Energie Solaire. Le Systeme Photovoltaic Familial. Masse Lo and others, Dakar 1993. Report is available from ENDA, B.P.3370 Dakar, Senegal.



5 Regional News - Asia

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Regional Workshop and INforSE meeting in New Delhi, May 18-21,1994

The start-up of INforSE activities in the Central Asia Region will be a 4-days workshop to develop a strategy for promoting rural energy for socioeconomic development through NGOs. It will be combined with the first INforSE meeting in this region. The workshop and meeting is organized by AFPRO (Action for Food Production). Limited support for travel expenses will be available for INforSE organizations from the region.

Further information: Raymond Myles, AFPRO, 25/l A, Institutional Area, Pankha Road, "D" Block Janakpuri, New Delhi - 220058, ph: +91 -115500343, telex 31-65899 AFPRO IN.

Regional INforSE workshop in Hanoi

The previous announced INforSE workshop in Hanoi, Vietnam is now set to April 25-28, 1994. It will be the founding meeting of INforSE Asia-Pacific Region. The objectives of the workshop are:

· to assess status and future directions of sustainable energy development among NGOs,

· to diagnose problems and constraints as well as identify opportunities and potentials for promoting sustainable energy development both at the national and grassroots level,

· to formulate strategies for job/employment creation by implementing sustainable energy,

· to enhance-cooperation, linkages and sharing of expertise and knowledge on sustainable energy among countries in the region.

The expected outputs of the workshop are:

· a draft of a common framework for sustainable energy development appropriate for the Asia-Pacific region,

· a list of regional and country strategies for promoting job/employment creation through sustainable energy development,

· a catalogue of NGOs and other organizations concerned with sustainable energy development in the Asia-Pacific region. The venue of the workshop is the National Info- & Documentation Center for Science & Technology, 24 Ly Thuong Kiet, Hanoi, Vietnam (contact Mr. Nguyen Van Khanh). Parallel with the workshop there will be an exhibition with sustainable energy products.

Limited support for travel expenses will be available for INforSE organizations from the region.

Further information by: Benjamin Gertes, PCATT, 224D Silang Street, Batangas City, Philippines 4200, ph: +63-43-7231155.

Local INforSE meetings at the Philippines

A series of workshops on renewable energy and sustainable energy development was held in Manila and Batangas City during March 1-5, 1994. The workshops were attended by representatives from a number of Philippine INforSE organizations. Parts of the workshops were used to discuss INforSE and to make preparations for the regional workshop and INforSE meeting in April.

Further information: Benjamin Gertes (address above)

Sustainable Energy Networking in China

Until recently INforSE has not had any formal contact to China with its 1/5 of the world population and a remarkable development of renewable energy. The lack of contacts is mainly due to the structure in China, where sustainable energy solutions are not driven by NGOs in the way that can be seen in many other countries. Currently no Chinese organization has supported the sustainable energy strategy that INforSE is based upon.

This situation is now changing. The Asian Pacific coordinator Benjamin Gertes has visited a number of Chinese research and development centers, where he found a widespread interest in more cooperation with INforSE. A large number of contacts were made and professor Qi Wenhu was appointed as contact person.

Besides Qi Wenhu, George Chan is working as Chinese contact person for INforSE. He is widely known for his work with biogas and integrated farming systems.

Contact persons in China: Qi Wenhu

CISNAR (Committee for Integrated Survey of Natural Resources

11 Nanzhanguan Nanli Beijing 10026, China ph: +86-1-491 7296 fax: +86-1-491 4230

George L. Chan c/o Chan Sew Sen P.O.Box 98442

Hong Kong fax: c/o prof. Zhong Gongfu +86-20776 5006

Narmada Dam - broken promises

Around New Year the news about the Narmada Dam in India looked promising. On December 31, the Narmada Control Authority was forced to announce that it was not going to close the sluice gates at the foot of the dam, because the Ministry of Environment and Forests and the Ministry of Social

Welfare stated that the conditions on resettlement and the environment had not been fulfilled. Nevertheless work on plugging sluices at the foot of the half-completed dam began on Wednesday, February 23. The Indian Government had assured the World Bank and its shareholder governments that the sluices would not be shut before June 1994. No warning was given either to the hundreds of families upstream whose farmlands will be permanently flooded, nor to the hundreds of thousands downstream whose drinking water supplies will be cut off for weeks while the river backs up to the height of the next set of sluices.

Further information: Lori Udall, International Rivers Network, Washington DC. Phone: +1-202-466 8191. Fax: +1-202-466 8189.

Peoples' Forum 2001 in Japan

In November 1993, Peoples' Forum 2001, Japan was established to follow up the Agenda agreed at Global Forum'92 in Rio. They held the first symposium in February 1994 supported by many NGOs. The DERG (Decentralized Energy Research

Group) took initiative to a sub-conference on energy and set up an international information service window. (Dai Nakajima, DERG)

Support for PV in Japan

The Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) will now give a subsidy of 50% for solar cells on individual houses. The maximum subsidy will be 2.7 million yen, allowing 50% subsidy for a 3 kW PV plant. It is quite unusual that subsidies from Japanese national budget is paid directly to consumers as they will be in this case.



6 Sustainble Energy Progressing into Development Projects

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by Erik Graff, CARE Denmark

As follow up to the Rio Conference, Danish environment, energy and development organizations want to add an energy component to their developing projects. They have joined the Forum for Energy and Development.

In November 1993, CARE Danmark has carried out the first Forum supported study of the energy consumption and the possibilities of adding fuel savings and sustainable energy solutions to an on-going project in the outlying Mustang district in Nepal.

As an example the study has established time consumption for fuel wood collection, wood consumption, consumer patterns and habits etc. in the project area. The time consumption for fuel wood collection is today 8-16 hours each time per household, dependent on distance to the forest. 20 years ago the time consumption was only about 25% of this. As an average each household collects about 40 kg of wood each time about 130 times a year. Therefore a reduced fuel wood consumption will also cause that the time saved can be used for more productive purposes.

The study proves that it is possible to reduce the wood consumption by fuel saving initiatives and by utilizing sustainable energy sources in the area such as sun, water and wind. The suggestions include among others the following low- technological solutions: Improved clay stoves supplied with smoke pipes, pressure cookers, hay-boxes and solar box cookers, tightening of houses and putting in window glass, and passive solar heating. Furthermore solar water heaters for public bathing houses in the villages.

The results of the study is now available in a draft report containing suggestions at 4 levels of ambition together with calculations of costs and benefits of the objects at each level.

Devastation of the environment and following deterioration of the resource basis of the populations in developing countries is a global problem, which cannot be solved solely by agricultural and tree-planting activities. Therefore energy savings and utilization of sustainable energy must be subjects of future activities for the development agencies on line with other activities.



7 Regional News- Europe

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INforSE Europe Meeting

The coming regional meeting in Europe will be July 9, 1994 at Energie-und Umweltzentrun am Deister near Hannover in Germany. On the agenda will be a new action plan for INforSE Europe, discussions about future common actions by sustainable energy NGOs in Eastern and Western Europe and an evaluation of the past year. An important point will be a discussion of the European part of the INforSE campaign.

The INforSE meeting will take place immediately after the European Sustainable Energy NGO Seminar, July 4-8, also at Energie- und Umweltzentrum am Deister.

Further information: OVE, att. Gunnar Boye Olesen, Willemoesgade 14, 2100 Kobenhavn 0, ph: +45-3142 9091, fax: +45-3142 9095.

INforSE Europe Campaign

The European part of the INforSE campaign will focus on energy and employment. Basically, the first steps of transition to a sustainable energy system will create employment and economic activity that can be financed by reduced use of fossil fuels, besides it has environmental benefits.

In Europe, the new campaign for a job-creating sustainable energy development will set focus on activities that can be started with public money made available from reduced social security and unemployment expenditures, and multiplied by private investments. With the right selection of measures, such a strategy can reduce unemployment without increases in the public expenses simply by a smaller change in public expenses and a larger activation of private capital. These measures can include raising the efficiency in domestic energy use (improving of homes, better energy control systems), utilization of solar heat in active and passive systems, energy efficiency improvements in commercial and industrial sector, a shift to more efficient transport systems, as well as the creation of whole new business sectors for sustainable development.

The campaign will be coordinated with plans on environment and employment from WWF, Friends of the Earth, Climate Action Network, BUND, etc. It will produce inputs to the global INforSE campaign, presented in last issue of Sustainable Energy News.

For Western Europe an important result of these joint efforts will be an environmental employment plan that can be seen as an alternative to the EU-Commission Whitebook on employment from December 1993 Delor's Plan.

For Eastern Europe the campaign will focus on sustainable energy solutions for economies in transition, highlighting successful experiences in the region.

The campaign will be presented at the BUND environmental fair in Freiburg, Germany in June, and at different occasions in the autumn of 1994.

All European INforSE organizations have received a more detailed description of the campaign. For more information and cooperation on the campaign, please contact INforSE Europe, att. Gunnar Olesen, Willemoesgade 14, 2100 Copenhagen 0, Denmark, ph: +45- 3142 9091, fax: +453142 9095 or c/o SZOPK-FAE, att. Emil Bedi, Gorkeho 6,81101 Bratislava, Slovakia, ph/fax: +42-7-36 46 65.

US invests in Temelin NPP

Last year the Czech government made a contract with the American company Westinghouse about completion of Temelin Nuclear Power Plant. On January 27 the American Export/lmport Bank gave preliminary approval for the needed credit guarantee, and they have sent an application for the credit guarantee to finance Temelin to the US congress. The US congress will probably take a decision during March '94.

The construction of Temelin NPP was started during the communist era. Temelin will be a hybrid of Soviet and US design that is completely untested, and will have a high risk of accident. The power generated from the plant is not needed. There are great possibilities for energy efficiency in the Czech Republic. There is also an unused potential for hydropower as well as utilization of other renewable energy sources.

All the time there has been a strong local and international opposition to the plans of finishing Temelin, but there has never been any public hearings or discussions about the project in the Czech parliament. European environmental groups have fought the plans of completion for years. Right now the struggle continues, especially in the USA, to stop the dying Western nuclear industry from expanding their activities to Central and Eastern Europe in order to survive. Join the campaign in the US or this summer in the Czech Republic.

More information on Temelin nuclear power plant issue on the e-mail conference: gn.nuclear or energy.nuclear or at Hnuti DUHA, Jakubskenam. 7, 60200 Brno, Czech Republic, ph: +42-5-42210438, fax: +42-542210347.

CADDET Center for Renewable Energy

The IEA's Center for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies (CADDET) has set up a new unit to focus on renewable energy. The original CADDET is operated by NOVEM in the Netherlands. The CADDET Center for Renewable Energy will be operated by the Energy Technology Support Unit (ETSU) at Harwell in Britain.

( Demand)

Campaign Against Windfarms in Wales

One of the main environmental groups in Wales, The Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales, reversed its earlier stance and is now opposing all new plans for windfarms. The Campaign is urging a moratorium on new windfarms until substantial results have been achieved through conservation and energy-saving measures. The group feels that the subsidy for renewable energy would be more valuable if used for conservation measures.

( Demand)

Renewable Energy Share Increased in Germany

The renewable energy share, including hydro, of total German electricity production increased 1% 1990-92 to 4.3% in 1992. Neverthetess the hydropower has a share of 80%, the non- hydro renewables are gaining ground. Electricity production from non-hydro renewables in Germany:





0.6 GWh

1.4 GWh


220 GWh

295 GWh


43 GWh

275 GWh

( Demand)

Biodiesel Plant in Italy

The world's largest biodiesel plant, with a capacity of 80,000 tonnes per year, opened in Livomo, Italy in the end of 1993. It will be supplied by soya, rapeseed and sunflowers. The biodiesel fuel will be sold throughout Europe. ( Demand)



8 Regional News - Latin America

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Latin American INforSE meeting in June

The founding meeting of INforSE Latin America is postponed till the last week of June to coincide with the ELAN/FLEA meeting (Latin American Anti Nuclear and Alternative Energy Network). Limited support is available for INforSE member organizations.

Program and further information: IED, att. Emilio Rovere, c/o Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Bloco C, Sala 211, C.P. 68565, Ilha do Fundao' ,21945 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil, ph: +55-21-2709995/9662, fax: +5521-290 6626.

Renewable Energy Campaign in Uruguay

REDES, one of the regional focal points of INforSE and the Uruguayan part of Friends of the Earth, is now planning a renewable energy campaign for Uruguay. The campaign will be carried through in cooperation with other NGOs including cooperative organizations. Major elements in the campaign will be:

· construction of a permanent exhibition of sustainable energy solutions in the REDES Eco-Comunidad (an ecological village project), production of brochures and other publications in order to systematize existing information and new results,

· a test station for solar collectors for water heating at the Uruguayan market.

Information: REDES, att. Martin Prieto, Avenida Millan 4113, Montevideo, Uruguay, ph: +598-2-356265, fax: +598-2-381640, e-mail: redesur@

Windturbines and hydropower in Costa Rica

The Inter-American Development Bank and European Investment Bank will give loans with a total of USD 515 mill. for the power sector in Costa Rica. The loans will fund the construction of a 177 MW hydropower plant in the Reventazon River basin and a 20 MW wind power project in Tejona near Lake Arenal. The wind turbine park will be the first of its kind in Central America. Other uses of the loan will be network construction and an energy conservation program.

Source: Inter American Development Bank newsletter, Jan-Feb. 1994.

Hydropower in Venezuela

The Inter-American Development Bank will provide a loan of USD 500 mill., the largest in the Banks history, to the construction of a 2,160 MW hydro power plant in the eastern Venezuelan state of Guayana on the Caroni river. The project with a total cost of USD 2.13 billion includes financing for 13 projects to minimize adverse environmental effects of the works. The project also supports the government's electrical sector reform program to establish a regulatory framework and a pricing policy to encourage more efficient use of energy resources. Source: Inter-American Development Bank newsletter Jan-Feb. 1994.



9 Regional News - North America

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Sustainable Energy Budget

US NGOs and the SunDay Campaign have released their proposal for a Sustainable Energy Budget for the US Department of Energy (DOE) for the Fiscal Year 1995. The proposal is a result of more than 6 months work by more than 30 national environmental, business, utility and state government organizations. It recommends an increase of USD 491 mill. of DOE's energy efficiency program and USD 320 mill. of its renewable energy program, leading to almost a doubling of these programs. Besides, cuts of USD 1230 mill. from nuclear and selected fossil fuels programs is proposed.

The proposal was presented in November '93 as the beginning of a grassroots campaign to press the members of US Congress to formally endorse a shift in funding priorities in the DOE budget. The campaign is running during the current US federal budget discussions. A copy of the Sustainable Energy Budget can be ordered from Sun Day Campaign, 315 Circle Avenue, #2, Takoma Park, Maryland 20912-4836, USA.

Sun Day 1994

More than 200 organizations are now planning a celebration of renewable energy and energy efficiency Sunday, April 24. Sun Day 1994 will feature one-day educational activities as fairs, conferences and exhibitions as well as activites, that have a longer-term impact such as announcing changes in governmental policies, building codes, and initiation of energy policy reviews by corporate and government decision makers. The campaign is striving to be broad-based and includes electric utilities, renewable energy trade associations, and associations representing government interests. The campaign has 3 primary objectives:

· education of the public, media and decision makers

· showcase the programs and technologies being sponsered by the participating organizations.

· encourage new public and private initiatives to expand further the use of renewable energy and energy efficient technologies.

The activities are coordinated by Sun Day Campaign (address above).

Energy Fast

Earth Day Energy Fast ask all persons (as well institutions and business) to cut back or eliminate energy use - by incorporating energy conservation techniques into their routines - from Earth Day April 22 through the following Sunday April 24. 6 categories, targeted for specific energy reduction goals, in terms of programs and simple things individuals can do, have been carefully chosen. Some of the categories are:

· Transportation: Use Mass Transit

· Climate control: Reduce Temperature Settings

· Lighting: Retrofit with Green (low-energy) bulbs

· Water: Conserve

Contact: Earth Day Energy Fast, 1002 112 N. Sweetzer Ave. West Hollywood, California 90069, USA.

Tehachapi Wind Fair

Organizers of the third Tehachapi Wind Fair have annouced an expanded program for the popular event May 21-22 at Mountain Valley Airport (a popular sailplane center), Tehachapi, California. The event will include a fair of windturbines, solar panels and electric vehicles, bus tours and a hike to wind turbine parks, kite flying and a playground where the children for instance can slid down a wind turbine blade. The Fair is part of SunDay 1994. Contact: Kern Wind Energy Association, att. Paul Gipe, P.O.Box 277, Tehachapi, California 93581, USA.

US Climate Action Network

Develops Resource Library

If you are trying to get more information about global warming issues, from energy to economics or science, USCAN might help you from their new information resource library and clearinghouse.

Contact: Andrew Gettelman, US CAN, 1350 New York Av., N.W., #300, Washington DC 20005, fax: +1-202783 5917, e-mail: [email protected].

Climate Plans for Cities

In November 1993 Portland in Oregon was the first US municipality to adopt a comprehensive global warming strategy. In December Minneapolis and Saint Paul in Minnesota and Dade County in Florida folleowed. Everybody are with these plans embarking on new municipal policies to reduce energy wasted in power plants, buildings and transport, leading to a 20% overall reduction in CO2 emissions from 1988 to 2005 or 2010.

Implementation of these plans will require significant political commitment locally. The tranportation sector, for instance, requires challenging remedies if patterns of auto dependency are to change. American cities use up to five times more energy per capita than European communities.

A key objective of the Minneapolis plan is a 20-25% reduction of energy used in residential and commercial buildings. Implementation of this will cut the municipality's budget deficit and keep more jobs in the local economy by creating jobs in the construction sector locally.

These plans are among 12 plans conceived around the world as models for urban centers by the Urban CO2 Reduction Project, sponsered by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.

Source: Hotline, January 1994, US Climate Action Network.

Renewable Energy Education

Solar Energy International (SKI) is organising an International Renewable Energy Education Program (IREEP) in the summer 1994. The 12 weeks program consists of hands-on how-to workshops on solar, wind and water power technologies, including a workshop on International Project Development focusing on methods of participatory planning and the issues of woman in development.

The educational program will be held in the small community of Carbondale, Colorado in the heart of the Rocky Mountains.

Info: SKI - ph: +1-303-963 8855, fax: +1-303-963 8866.



10 World Bank Energy

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by Gunnar Boye Olesen, OVE

In 1992, the World Bank has adopted a new energy policy based on two policy papers Energy Efficiency and Conservation in the Developed World and The World Banks Role in the Electric Power Sector. These policy papers call for loans to be based on integrated energy strategies (Integrated Resource Planning), institutional capacity building, economic pricing and regulatory reform targeting improved end-use efficiency.

While the energy policy papers of the World Bank are substantially improved, a new evaluation of the World Bank's lending practices in the power sector does not show a correlation between the policies and the actual lending practices. The study made by Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and Natural Resource Defense Council (NDRC) shows that in the power sector the loans under preparation during the first 6 months of 1993, totalling over USD 7 billions, do not comply with the Bank's new policy.

The study shows that the Bank fails to implement its own policy in all areas studied, except for pricing, where the Bank intends to enforce its policy. The Bank staff has no requirement or incentive to operationalize the policy which they have only applied selectively. Of the 46 loans reviewed only two loans will comply with the Banks new energy policy: one loan to the Polish Power Grid Company and one to the Government of Colombia.


Historically, the World Bank has not provided many loans for energy efficiency, while the general power sector lending has often had serious environmental and social impacts. As an example Bank projects of the Industry and Energy Department are currently displacing over 380,000 people (according to a recent World Bank document The Bank-Wide Resettlement Review: Mid-term Progress Report, August, 1993).

During the 1980's only one percent of the Bank's energy lending was for end-use efficiency, and about half of these funds had to be reprogrammed to other use due to project problems. One major problem was that the potential industrial investors were unwilling to borrow money for energy efficiency improvements. They prefered to borrow money for production expansions.

Another way of supporting energy efficiency is the Bank's calls for removal of subsidies for energy. The Bank regularly includes conditions on its loans, requiring electricity pricing reform. This condition has, however, in many cases not been enforced.

Besides this, the Bank has attempted to improve end-use efficiency through units with earmarked funding from donor countries. An example is the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) that has conducted many assessments and pre-feasibility studies in developing countries. Yet, these hundreds of recommandations were not implemented. Proposed end-use energy efficiency investments were generally not included in subsequent Bank loans. Another such unit is the Asia Alternative Energy Unit (ASTAE), which is located on the loan-making side of the Bank, providing it with greater opportunity to interact with the loan-making staff than ESMAP, which is located on the policy side of the Bank.



11 Strategy & Practice

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New Energy Policy

In October 1992 the World Bank's Executive Board approved the two above mentioned policy papers. The two papers call for an end to business as usual, and state that the Bank's energy loans will only be provided to those countries that have undertaken certain energy reforms. For example, the papers call for borrowers to increase the price of electricity to its long-run marginal cost.

The more significant observation of the new policy arise from the understanding that marginal costpricing and general capability improvements alone are insufficient to achive implementation of end-use energy efficiency. A new policy, introduced with the papers, is that energy loans should be based on or support energy strategies that consider both demandand supply-side resources. Another new policy is that the Bank will give high-level, in-country visibility to strengthen end-use energy efficiency institutions.

The report of EDF and NRDC states: If executed and if the (World) Bank more affectively enforces its pricing and regulatory reforms, these new energy policies could be the single most important factor in driving increased levels of investment in end-use energy efficiency in developing countries.


The Good Examples

Among the 46 loans evaluated by EDF and NRDC only the two described below are in reasonable agreement with the new World Bank Energy Policy. As local NGOs will know, these projects are in no way perfect; but they are the best World Bank financed projects in this respect.

The World Bank has played an active role in helping Poland to improve its power sector. The Bank has pushed forward to support energy efficiency in several sectors, despite the current oversupply of electricity. The Bank provides direct finance for end-use efficiency within the current Heat Supply Restructuring and Conservation Project. This will also be done in the proposed Katowice District Heating Project, evaluated by EDF and NRDC.

Components in these loans make it possible to provide small loans to costumers for insulation and improved metering, which allow costumers to realize the savings. Such investments have an estimated pay-back period of 5 years. In the future all loans to Polish Power sector will be based on Integrated Resource Planning (IRP), including an upcoming USD 800 mill. loan, that has an IRP component.

In Colombia, the World Bank is planning a loan for private sector energy development. The loan is planned as USD 15 mill. technical assistance loan, followed by a larger investment loan. The technical assistance loan will seek to strengthen the pricing, regulatory and environmental framework for the power sector as a needed pre-condition for investment. It will also include a Demand Side Management (DSM) component including efficiency standards, building codes and a pilot DSM program.

Source: Power Failure, EDF & NRDC, February, 1994.


Mixed Governmental Support for Energy Conservation

The Energy Policies of IEA Countries, 1992 Review, for the first time, published public sectors budgets for energy conservation between 1990 and 1992. The budgets do not include utility or research programs. Some includes state or regional programs.

The total IEA (International Energy Agency) budgets for energy conservation fluctuated with large swings with no discernible trend in the last three years:



1,726 million



1,962 million



1,862 mi11ion

The IEA report states that the overall increase contrasts with the declining emphasis and funding levels for energy efficiency during the latter part of the 1980s, when governments began to bring expenditures more into line with revenue and decrease energy efficiency spending as world energy prices declined.

The budgets of the IEA countries also demonstrate a wide variation in rates of annual growth between 1990 and 1992. Seven of the countries report a decline in funding between 1990 and 1992. The per capita expenditures also show the significant difference in effort for the selected countries. Three countries - Germany, the Netherlands and Norway - are by far the highest spenders on energy conservation, while many others spend less than one dollar per person.

Funding level - a reliable indicator? The level of funding is considered as an indicator of countries' commitment given to energy conservation serving both energy and environmental policy objectives. However, it can be a poor indicator of interest and support, since many programs - standards, regulations, voluntary actions, - require fairly low expenditure.

Energy Intensity Ratios show no difference!

The energy intensity of a country (total primary energy supply per unit of GDP) is a frequently criticised, but still widely used yardstick for efficiency improvements. However, the numbers do not show direct correlation between government spending and energy intensity. There are almost no changes in the counties' energy intensity ratios from 1990 to 1992. The yearly $11 per capita spent on energy conservation was far from making significant changes in the energy intensity. More efforts are needed to cut this ratio down.

Source: Energy ... in Demand 19 rue Paul Feval, 75018 Paris, France.



12 Publications

▲back to top

After UNCED'93, Proposals for Sustainable Energy Development

A review of energy reports and activities related to the Earth Summit. Analysis of policy measures. Proposals for an Energy Section of an Earth Charter and Action Program, new UN Sustainable Energy Agency, etc.

J. Szoleczky,, Energy Group, Physics Dep., Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, fax: +45 45 931669, 113 pages, USD 15, 1994.

Power Failure - A Review of the World Bank's Implementation of its New Energy Policy.

EDF, 257 Park Ave. South, New York, NY10010. 76 pages, USD 10, 1994.

WB and IMF information pack

Third World First, 217 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1XG, UK. Tel: +44-865245678; fax: +44865-200179.

A New Power Base: Renewable Energy Policies for the Nineties and Beyond

Kozloff, WRI Publications P.O. Box 4852, Hampden St, Baltimore, MD 21211, USA.196 p. USD 29.95,1993.

Integrated Resource Planning, Making electricity work in Europe

Prepared for Greenpeace International. Woolf, The Assoc. for the Conservation of Energy, 9 Sherlock Mews, London W1M 3RH, UK. 155 p. 1993.

European Directory of Energy Efficient Building, 1994

James & James Science Publ.,5 Castle Rd, London NW1 8PR. ph: +44-71Z843833, fax: +44-71-2843737.344 p.

Independent NGO Evaluations of National Plans for Climate Change Mitigation

First Review, Co-ordinated by Climate Action Network. CNE, rue de Taciturne 46, B-1040 Brussels, Feb. 1994.

Elfin News Electric Utility Production Cost & Financial Model, Computer Progr. EDF, Rockridge Market Hall, 5655 College Av., Oakland, CA 94618 USA. Ph: +1510-6588008, fax: +1-510-6580630.


Hot Line

US Climate Action Network, 1350 New York Ave. NW #300, Washington DC 20005 USA, fax:+l-202-7835917.

UN Climate Change Bulletin

Quarterly. Information Unit on Climate Change (IUCC), UNEP, CP 256, 1219 Chatelaine, Switzerland.

VATIS, Value-Added Technology Information Service

Update on Non-Conventional Energy, Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology, Adjoining Technology Bhawan, P.O. Box 4575, New Delhi 110016, India.



13 Electricity Production Technologies for Rural Development

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by Jozef Viglasky, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia

Renewable energy sources are the most promissing for rural development from many points of view. They allow economic growth with environmental concerns and energy security without a significant increase in cost.

Economic Considerations

The most frequent question is: How much does any renewable energy plant cost per kW installed power? This question is a little wrong. Its answer can only be used for information in the first step, because there is no such thing as a standard system or normal equipment cost, and this parameter is not enough for a final decision. It must also be taken into account that the cost of many components vary little with the size of the energy system. Anyway the average cost per kWpower of production capacity can be listed as*:


8,000 USD/kW


2,000 USD/kW


1,500 USD/kW


1,400 USD/kW

Thus, from a general point of view biomass energy can be recommended. The introduction of small-scale biomass fueled engine systems as a new electricity source or as replacement for diesel and petrol driven power units seems highly attractive for small industries in rural areas as well as villages. Most promissing is systems for wood industries with a need for electricity and a continous output of residue products as wood chips, saw dust and bark.

Economic Analysis of Wood-gas Utilization

The conversion of stationary diesel engines to run on wood-gas is one of the most important potential uses for shaft-power. The example analysed is a comparison between a conventional 30 kW diesel unit and an imported complete gasifier and engine unit. This example is chosen, because it is most feasible to replace the similar diesel/petrol systems.

By using wood-gas in rural area of tropical countries with a good wood supply, it is possible to save 12-50% of the costs compared to generating electricity by a diesel engine, table 2. Thus, a wood-gasifier engine system is an excellent investment. In most countries it can be locally manufactured and reduce import of costly fuel.


Wood gas for electricity production has been found to be promising especially in rural areas and on tropical islands where fossil fuels are extremely expensive and high vegetation growth generates enough biomas for a gasifier system. By changing from a conventional diesel engine a net saving of 35% of the costs can be achieved. Gasification characteristics of tropical wood are not well enough known, and need to be explored. Promising results from use of gasifiers in Philippines, Brazil, etc. have been reported, so we can suppose there will be a very little risk for failure by increasing use of biomass-fuel.



14 Events

▲back to top

April 1-8, 1994

Training course on RE, Sweden

For youth, with the aim to start up new activities on energy.

Info: Viktor Jonsson, Godemansg.3 B, 417 06 Goteborg, Sweden. Tel/fax: +46-31-514-215.

April 5-8, 1994

Global Climate Change: Science, Policy and Mitigation Strategies, Arizona, USA

Conference. Info: Dr. C.V.Mathai, Arizona Public Service Company. P.O.Box 53999, M/S 9366. Phoenix, AZ 85072, USA. ph: +1-6022503569, fax: +1-602-2508313.

April 11-15, 1994

12th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Info: WIP, Sylvensteinstrasse 2, D81369 Munchen. ph: +49-897201232, fax: +49-89-7201291.

April 18-22, 1994

The World after Chernobyl, Minsk, Belarus

Info: Belarussian Charible Fund "For the Children of Chernobyl", ph: +70172-341215, fax: +7-0172-343458.

April 22, 1994

Earth Day

April 22-24, 1994

ISES NGO Roundtable, Greece

Info: Jenniy Gregory, ph: +44-734730073, fax: +44-734-730820.

April 24, 1994

Sun Day 1994, USA coordinated campaign with more than 50 events in USA.

April 25-28, 1994

Regional INforSE meeting for Asia Pacific, Hanoi, Vietnam together with Conference on Sustainable Energy Development and Exhibition of RE Products from the Region. Info: Benjamin Gertes, PCATT, 224 D Silang Street, Batangas City, Philippines 4200. ph: +63-43 723 1155, fax: +63-2- 815 0276 (c/o Daqna).

April 26, 1994

Chernobyl Day

April 20-May 6, 1994

NGO Islands Forum, Barbados

Parallel with UN-conference. Theme on appropriate technology, exhibition on renewable energy.

Info: Barbados Env. Association, P.O. Box 132, Bridgetown, Barbados, W.l., fax-809-427 0619.

May 9-11, 1994

1st Motor Biofuels European Forum, France

Info: Ademe, 22 rue Alsace-Lorraine, 45 000 Orleans.

May 15, 1994

Climate Alliance Action Day

Info: J Matikainen, Climate Alliance Action Days, Fredrikinkatu 63 A 8, 00100 Helsinki, Finland. Tel: +358-0694-42-33; fax: +358-0-694-17-86.

May 16-19, 1994

Birds in the sky, fish in the water and uranium in the ground, Brussels

Shadow conference to Uranium Institute meeting.

Info:For Mother Earth. Ph: +32-92333268, fax: +32-9-2334924, e-mail: [email protected].

May 18-21, 1994

Regional INforSE Meeting for Central Asia, New Delhi, India together with Workshop to Promote RE Programs through NGOs.

Info: R Myles, AFPRO, 25/1A, Inst. Area, Pankha Road, "D" Block Janakpuri, New Delhi 110058, India. ph: +91-11-5555412, fax: 91-11-5500343.

May 24-27, 1994

The European Conf. on Sustainable Cities & Towns, Aalborg, Denmark Info: ICLEI, ph: +49-761-368920, fax: +49-761-36260.

May-July, 1994

International Renewable Energy Education Program, Colorado

Info: SKI - ph: +1-303-963 8855, fax: +1-303-963 8866.

June, 1994

Regional INforSE meeting for Latin America, Brasilia, Brazil together with workshop and ELAN-network meeting

INfo: IED, Emilio Rovere, c/o UFRJ, Bloco C, Sala 211, C.P.68565, Ilha de Fundao, 21945 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ph: +55-21-2709995, fax: -2906626.

June 2-5, 1994

Towards the world governing of the environment, Venice, Italy

Info: ICEF Mr A. Postiglione, ph: +396-6868597, fax: +39-6-683000783.

June 9-11, 1994

Energy Efficiency through retrofitting, St. Petersburg, Russia

Exhibition and conference.

Info: Norvac, ph: +47-22-601390, fax: +47-22-693650.

June 20-22, 1994 Solar '94, Cuba

Int. workshop on solar and wind.

Info: Dr. Oscar Oramas Oliva. Ph: +537-62-6606, fax: +537-33- 8054, email: (alternex) [email protected].

June 21-25, 1994

Energy Visions, Basel, Switzerland International Exhibition.

Info: Beat Loffler, ph: 61-6862020, fax: 61 6912024.

June 23-24, 1994

Enuren '94, Rome, Italy

Energy urban renewal: policies and technologies. Info: ICIE, ph: +39-68845848, fax: +39-6-8550250.

June 23-27, 1994

Oko '94, Freiburg, Germany Environmental Exhibition.

Info: BUND, ph: +49-761-885950, fax: +49-761-8859590.

June 27-July 1, 1994

World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Development and the Environment, Cuba

Info: as Solar '94.

June-July, 1994

Clean Energy Brigades, Czech Rep. Info: Hnuti Duha. Ph: 42-5-42210438; fax: 42-5-42210347.

July 4-8, 1994

European NGO Energy Seminar, Deister, Germany

Info: Marlies Ante, Energie- und Umweltszentrum am Deister, 3257 Springe 3, Germany. Ph: +49-5044380/1880, fax: +49-5044- 4640.

July 9, 1994

Regional INforSE Meeting for Europe, Deister, Germany

Info: Gunnar Boye Olesen, OVE, Ph: +45-3142 9091, fax: +45-3142 9095.

July 20-August 3, 1994

Bike demonstration for 400 young people to promote an alternative environment, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany.

Info: JMA, Oudegracht 42, 3511 AR Utrecht, the Netherlands. Ph: +31-30316566; fax: +31-30-343-986.

August 1-21, 1994

Ecotopia, Romania

Info: EYFA, Postbus 92066, NL-1090 Amsterdam. Ph/fax: +31-20-6657743.

September 11-16, 1994

World Renewable Energy Congress, (with ISES Europe), Reading, UK

Climate Change - Energy and Environment.

Info: Prof. Sayigh, University of Reading, Dep. of Engineering, ph: +44-734318588, fax: +44-734-313835.

September 22-23, 1994

Asia Energy Efficiency Conference & ENEX-Asia '94, Singapore

info: Ms Irene Low, Reed Exhibition Pte Ltd: 1 Maritime Square # 12-01, World Trade Center Singapore 0409. ph: +65-271-1013, fax: +65-274 4666.

September 26-27, 1994

Environmental Protection in Developing Countries, Pakistan

Int'l conference and exposition.

Info: K. Fazal, 146-N, LCCHS, Lahore Cantt, Pakistan. Fax: +92- 425722147/6369502.

October 1-5, 1994

Parellel activities to IMF/World Bank meeting, Madrid, Spain

Info: A Hernandez, Aedenat, C/Campomanes 13, 28013 Madrid. Ph: +341-5411071, fax: +34-1-5717108.

October 24-27, 1994

Third International Conference on Power Quality: End-Use Applications and Perspectives, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Info: mr Teus de Zwart, KEMA Transmission & Distribution, P.O.Box 9035 ET ARNHEM, The Netherlands. ph: +31- 85-566093, fax: +31-85-513683.

November 8-10, 1994

Energy Efficiency Business Week '94, Praha, Czech Republic

Info: SEVEn, ph: +42-2-24247552, fax: +42-2-24247597.

November 16-18, 1994

Energy · Innovatton - Revolution, Swiserland

5th International Festival of Films on Energy Lausanne.

Info: FIFEL, 88, CH-1000 Lausanne 9. Switzerland. ph: +93 213129069, fax: 93-21-3201019

January 12-October 12, 1995

Walk Across Europe for a Nuclear Free World 1995

Info: For Mother Earth, Rosanne Mitchell, Zilverhof 19, 9000 Gent, Belgium. Ph: +32-9-2333268, fax: +32-92334924, e-mail: motherearth@gn. or Mark Stansbery, 1101 Bryden Road, Columbus, Ohio 43205, USA. Ph: +1-614-2539255, e-mail: walk @

June 3-7, 1996

Energex '96, Beijing, China

The 6th International Energy Conference and Exposition.

Info: Meng Xiangan, China Solar Energy Society, 3 Huayuan Road, Beijing 100083, China. Ph: +86-1-2017009, fax: +86-1-2012880.



15 Sustainable Energy Contacts - Europe update

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Global 2000


Flurschatzstr. 12, 1120 Vienna

Ph: +43-1-8125730

Fax: +43-1-8125728

Czech Republic

Children of the Earth

Ph: +42-2-3117075


Ph: +42-2-24812420

Fax: +42-2-66710248

Greenpeace Czech Republic

Att. Jan Winch

Hnuti DUHA

Ph: +42-5-42210438/42212847

Fax: +42-5-42210347

E-m.: [email protected]


Ph: +42-2-257541/-257549 #212

Fax: +42-2-254136

SEVEn · The Energy

Efficiency Center

Ph: +42-2-24247552

Fax: +42-2-24247597

Stop Nuclear Energy in the

East Europesn Zone SNEEEZ

Ph: +42-5-42210438/42212847

Fax: +42-5-42210347

E-mail: [email protected]



Ph: +42-5-42210561

WISE- Brno, World Information Service on Energy c/o Hnuti DUHA Att. Erikk Piper E-mail: [email protected] l wisebmo@ecn...



P.O. Box 300251, 53182 Bonn

Att. Onno Poppinga Energiezentrum - Jugendwerkstat

Ph: +49-5662-9497-0

Fax: +49-s662-9497-49

Fordergesellechaft fur angepasste Techniken in der Dritten Welt Gmbh. FAKT MO: INforSE. Gansheidestr. 43, 70184 Stuttgart Att. Manfred Rottjes Ph: +49-711-2109518 Fax: +49-711-2109555

Zentrum fur Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoo-Forschung Baden-Wùrttemberg ZSW Solar, hydrogen energy research Center. Non profit foundation Postfach 80 1149, 70511 Stuttgart Att. Helmut Bohnisch Ph: +49-711-7870211 Fax: +49-711-7870100


Working Group on Development Techniques Int. NGO. Non profit, gives free advice on the use of RE, mainly in developing countries. University of Twente, RO. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede Att. B. Schulte Ph: +31-53-892845 Fax: +31-53-357042 E-mail: [email protected]. Z2.FIDONET.ORG


Polski Klub Ekologizny - Mazovian Branch PKE

Polish Ecological Club.

Krzywickiego 9/7010, 02-078


Att. Zbigniew M. Karaczun

Ph: +48- -439041 #1316,-494766

Fax: +48- -471581


Prietenii Pamintului

Earth Friends. Local. NGO. 20 members. Founded 1991. Practical project, anti-nuclear and energy saving earnpaigns, environmental education. MO: INforSE qtr. Siderurgistilor, bloc SD 4A, ap.12, 6200 Galati

Att. Ion Constantin Zamfir Ph/fax: +40-93-457381


Ecocenter GAIA Local NGO. Environmental coordination center for Kola region. Contact to environmental groups, Exchange of information, actions, seminars, log-term projects,ete. Box 109, 183012 Murmansk 12 Att. Sergey Shuvalov Ph: +7-815-3-16290


Greenpeace Slovakia

PO Box 58, 81499 Bratislava I

Att. Lubika Trubiniova

Ph/fax: +42-7-313 968


IO Chemobyl Union

Att. Vladimir Shovkoshitny

Ph: +7-044-2968695

Fax: +7-044-2968469

United Kingdom

Greenpeace - Energy


Att. Antony Froggett

Ph: +44-71-3545100

Fax: +44-71-6960014



16 Climate Negotiations - the temperature is rising

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by René Karottki and Rasmus Gade

Another round of negotiations on the International Climate Convention was carried out in Geneva in February, 1994. There is still a great difference in opinions between the countries on how to solve the climate problems. The problems are complex and many concerns must be taken into consideration.

It is a fact that the major criminals are the industry of the Western world. Though the Western countries hesitate, when it comes to reducing domestic CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, the climate problem is now recognized as such by more and more people. The Greenpeace newsletter Climate News says that the insurance industry now acknowledge the links between climate change and economic interests. In Barbados, venue for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States in April 1994, climate changes have already had a bad effect on the insurance market. These islands play an important role in the discussions, because they are indicators of changes in the global climate. The small islands may actually vanish from the face of the earth, if the sea level increases.

Instead of reducing domestic CO2 emissions, part of the Western countries want to buy themselves free, for instance by planting trees or making investments in 3rd world countries, e.g. in the energy sector. This is the socalled Joint implementation. Most 3rd world countries resist this. They fear that these investments will benefit Western interests rather than solving problems of the 3rd world.

The Chinese, big CO2 polluters themselves, fear for the consequences of tough CO2 demands - the demands may come back to them as a boomerang. Oil producing countries led by Saudi Arabia do all they can to stop the Western countries from reducing their oil consumption, because this means less oil export for them.