0. Run setup/source setup.bash in top level before starting.
1. Build the collection initially:
perl -S import.pl -site localsite documented-examples/manifest-demo-e perl -S buildcol.pl -site localsite -activate documented-examples/manifest-demo-eNote: If you forget to pass in the -activate flag to the buildcol command, use a file explorer to go into your Greenstone 3 installations's web/sites/localsite/collect/documented-examples/manifest-demo-e folder, and rename the building subfolder there to index.)
2. Add some new documents into the collection.
Copy the three folders fb33fe fb34fe wb34te from import.extra into import.
perl -S incremental-import.pl -site localsite -manifest manifests/add-new-files.xml documented-examples/manifest-demo-e perl -S incremental-buildcol.pl -site localsite -activate documented-examples/manifest-demo-eNow there should be FAO Better Farming Documents, and one World Bank document.
3. Delete some documents from the collection.
perl -S incremental-import.pl -site localsite -manifest manifests/delete-some-files.xml documented-examples/manifest-demo-e perl -S incremental-buildcol.pl -site localsite -activate documented-examples/manifest-demo-eNote that we haven't actually deleted the docs from the import folder. Just from the collection's archives and index subfolders.
4. Modify some metadata
Copy import.extra/fb33fe-metadata.xml to import/fb33fe/metadata.xml Copy import.extra/fb34fe-metadata.xml to import/fb34fe/metadata.xml perl -S incremental-import.pl -site localsite -manifest manifests/new-metadata.xml documented-examples/manifest-demo-e perl -S incremental-buildcol.pl -site localsite -activate documented-examples/manifest-demo-ePreview and the new metadata should be there.