A decision tree-based attribute weighting filter for Naive Bayes

Paper Title: A decision tree-based attribute weighting filter for Naive Bayes
Authored By:M. Hall
Publisher:Department of Computer Science, The University of Waikato
Publication Date:2006
Abstract:The naive Bayes classifier continues to be a popular learning algorithm for data mining applications due to its simplicity and linear run-time. Many enhancements to the basic algorithm have been proposed to help mitigate its primary weakness—the assumption that attributes are independent given the class. All of them improve the performance of naive Bayes at the expense (to a greater or lesser degree) of execution time and/or simplicity of the fina lmodel. In this paper we present a simple filter method for setting attribute weights for use with naive Bayes. Experimental results show that naive Bayes with attribute weights rarely degrades the quality of the model compared to standard naive Bayes and, in many cases, improves it dramatically. The main advantages of this method compared to other approaches for improving naive Bayes is its run-time complexity and the fact that it maintains the simplicity of the final model.

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