December |
Subscription tree pruning: a structure-independent routing optimization for general-purpose publish/subscribe systems
-S. Bittner and A. Hinze |
A taxonomy of model-based testing
-M. Utting, A. Pretschner and B. Legeard |
State- and Event-based refinement
-S. Reeves and D. Streader |
Liberalising Event B without changing it
-S. Reeves and D. Streader |
Computational sense: the role of technology in the education of digital librarians
-M.B. Twidale and D.M. Nichols |
Proceedings of the Second Computing Women Congress (CWC 2006): Student Papers, Hamilton, New Zealand, 11-19 February 2006
-A. Hinze, D. Jung and S.J. Cunningham |
Event distributions in online book auctions
-S. Bittner and A. Hinze |
LSB - Live and Safe B alternative semantics for Event B
-S. Reeves and D. Streader |
A decision tree-based attribute weighting filter for Naive Bayes
-M. Hall |
Arbitrary Boolean advertisements: the final step in supporting the Boolean publish/subscribe model
-S. Bittner and A. Hinze |