December |
Bayesian network classifiers in Weka
-R. Bouckaert |
Mining data streams using option trees (revised edition, 2004)
-G. Holmes, R.B. Kirkby and B. Pfahringer |
Usability discussions in open source development
-M.B. Twidale and D.M. Nichols |
Ensembles of nested dichotomies for multi-class problems
-E.T. Frank and S. Kramer |
Event notification services: analysis and transformation of profile definition languages
-D. Jung and A. Hinze |
The syntax and semantics of m-Charts
-G.R. Reeve and S.V. Reeves |
Design and analysis of an efficient distributed event notification service
-S. Bittner and A. Hinze |
Language switching in a digital library
-T.T. Keegan, S.J. Cunningham and K. Don |
Atomic components
-S.V. Reeves and D. Streader |
"Please turn ON your mobile phone" - first impressions of text-messaging in lectures
-M. Jones and G. Marsden |
Unifying state and process determinism
-S.V. Reeves and D. Streader |
Analyzing library collections with starfield visualizations
-J.A. Sánchez, M.B. Twidale, D.M. Nichols and N.N. Silva |
Open issues in Semantic Query Optimization in relational DBMS
-B. Genet and A. Hinze |
DeepDocument: use of a multi-layered display to provide context awareness in text editing
-M. Masoodian, S. McKoy, W.J. Rogers and D. Ware |
Constructing programs or processes
-S.V. Reeves and D. Streader |
Investigating the memory requirements for publish/subscribe filtering algorithms
-S. Bittner and A. Hinze |
A distributed directory service for Greenstone
-G. Buchanan and A. Hinze |
Towards a TIP 3.0 service-oriented architecture: interaction design
-A. Hinze, P. Malik and R. Malik |
Design and implementation of a filter engine for semantic web documents
-T. Kozuka and A. Hinze |
Advanced recommendation in a mobile tourist information system
-S. Junmanee and A. Hinze |
Stepwise refinement of processes
-S.V. Reeves and D. Streader |
A bridge between Greenstone and DSpace
-I.H. Witten, D. Bainbridge, R. Tansley, C.-Y. Huang and K. Don |
ApproXFILTER – an approximative XML filter
-Y.-R. Michel and A. Hinze |