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Data structures for Z testing tools -B.M. Utting-2001
A decision tree-based attribute weighting filter for Naive Bayes -M. Hall-May2006
DeepDocument: use of a multi-layered display to provide context awareness in text editing -M. Masoodian, S. McKoy, W.J. Rogers and D. Ware-May2004
Design and analysis of an efficient distributed event notification service -S. Bittner and A. Hinze-December2004
Design and implementation of a filter engine for semantic web documents -T. Kozuka and A. Hinze-August2005
Design issues for World Wide Web navigation visualisation tools -A. Cockburn and S.R. Jones-1997
A development environment for predictive modelling in foods -G. Holmes and M.A. Hall-2000
A diagnostic tool for tree based supervised classification learning algorithms -G. Holmes and L.E. Trigg-1999
Discovering inter-attribute relationships -G. Holmes-1997
A distributed directory service for Greenstone -G. Buchanan and A. Hinze-April2005
A dynamic and flexible representation of social relationships in CSCW -S.R. Jones and S. Marsh-1997
Effects of re-ordered memory operations on parallelism -R.H. Littin and J.G. Cleary-1997
Ensembles of nested dichotomies for multi-class problems -E.T. Frank and S. Kramer-February2004
An entropy gain measure of numeric prediction performance -L.E. Trigg-1998
An evaluation of passage-level indexing strategies for a technical report archive -M. Williams-1998
Event distributions in online book auctions -S. Bittner and A. Hinze-February2006
Event notification services: analysis and transformation of profile definition languages -D. Jung and A. Hinze-2004
Experiences using Z animation tools -G.R. Reeve and S.V. Reeves-2001
Experiences with a weighted decision tree learner -J.G. Cleary and L.E. Trigg-1998
Extracting text from PostScript -C.G. Nevill-Manning, T. Reed and I.H. Witten-1997
Facilitating multiple copy/paste functions -M.D. Apperley-1999
Fast convergence with a greedy tag-phrase dictionary -R. Peeters and T.C. Smith-1997
Feature selection for discrete and numeric class machine learning -M.A. Hall-1999
Freezing rich fragments of the World Wide Web -G. Holmes and W.J. Rogers-1997
From sit-forward to lean-back: using a mobile device to vary interactive pace -M. Jones, P. Jain, G. Buchanan and G. Marsden-March2003
Generating accurate rule sets without global optimization -E.T. Frank and I.H. Witten-1998
Generating rule sets from model trees -G. Holmes, M.A. Hall and E.T. Frank-1999
A graphical notation for the design of information visualisations -M.C. Humphrey-14/5/041997
A graphical user interface for Boolean query specification -S.R. Jones and S. McInnes-1997