Sam’s Greenstone Blog 3/6/2011
This week was mostly spent working on Greenstone 2 for a change.
I upgraded the ExifTool Perl module to the latest version which removed some weirdness we were experiencing with embedded metadata with different character encodings. We use this Perl module to extract embedded metadata in formats such as XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) and Exif (Exchangeable image file format), as well as metadata from files formats like PDF that have their own embedded metadata formats.
I have also been familiarising myself again with the code we use to generate versions of Greenstone that we can put onto CDs. Professor Ian Witten is heading overseas in the near future and will be running several Greenstone workshops, so he is wanting to a batch of CDs to give out to the participants. Everything appeared to be running smoothly – I was able to install Greenstone off an ISO (basically a file that represents a CD) mounted in a virtual CD drive – but when we then burn that ISO to a real disk the installer does not even start. We get a not-very-helpful error message telling us that there was an error with the error reporting, which certainly doesn’t make for easy debugging.
So next week I will be working on this and probably more Greenstone 3 touch ups.