Anu’s entry for the weeks of 23 Apr – 4 May 2012
ak19. Friday, May 4th, 2012.
- At the start of last week, finished off the task of the GS3 “debuginfo†button that now appears next to the login button.
- The Greenstone tutorial xml files can now include a MajorVersion element with number attribute to specify if the instructions are for GS3 or GS2 and will get processed by the XSLT to display or hide such elements depending on the active version.
- Joshua Scarsbrook discovered two bugs compiling GS3 on a Mac and has helped us fix these (but one of the fixes still needs to be tested on his machine). Unfortunately there were some issues with setting the Java preferences on my account on the Mac here. At present, GS3 can’t be compiled there because it requires Java 1.6.
- After Dr Bainbridge fixed error handling and display of the PDFBox Extension, it became easier to debug a PDFBox Extension bug discovered by a member on the mailing list. She helped us to track it down and it turned out that the PDFBox extension did not try to first look for and use any JRE included in a GS2 binary when running the java -version test.
- While trying to work out why searching 3 digit numbers crashed the server (when Diego wanted to try the ifl=1 parameter to the GS2 URL), I first found and tracked down a very troublesome bug that I had accidentally introduced into GS2. The documents in browse or search results would not display and their URLs looked strange (with the word handle in their path). It turned out that in January, I’d committed the -DDOCHANDLE option to CXXFLAGS in a win32.mak file that was meant for the experimental work Dr Bainbridge and Diego had been doing with REST URLs. I meant to commit only the RSS support code they had written. Dr Bainbridge then fixed the bug Diego had originally noticed to do with the ifl parameter.
- Some translation work and looked at a few mailing list questions.
- Currently started work on which should perform in perl the task that GLI currently does of stopping the GS2 or GS3 server while moving the building to index and restarting the server again.