OAI Visualisation Tool online

Dave Nichols. Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008.

A prototype OAI metadata analysis tool – producing statistics and visualisations of repository metadata – is now online.

Usage notes:

  • when clicking on the links of the left of the visualisation
    you may need to configure your browser to allow popups from nzdl.org
  • producing the analysis report does take some time (e.g. the whole of IDEALS at Illinois takes about 20-25 minutes) – so, initially, we suggest using the max records option to limit the number of items processed

There also is a short feedback survey where you can add comments and suggestions for new features.

3 Responses to “OAI Visualisation Tool online”

  1. Paul Hart Says:

    Hi there,
    I found and used this tool last week and found it very useful for exploring our own repository. I used it to export a list of our metadata for analysis & re0use in the customised search interface I’m building: http://www.iriss.ac.uk/openlx/

    I just a have a couple of questions:
    * It’s down right now – will it be back online?
    * Will you be releasing the source for this tool?

    thanks v much

  2. Dave Nichols Says:

    It will become part of the main GS3 distribution,
    so you will be able to have local/private version
    running if you want.

    You can track our progress on this issue here:


    Here is a short paper about it:


  3. AlbuplitQuete Says:

    Very nice!!