Greenstone3.03 released!

Shaoqun Wu. Friday, October 26th, 2007.

Greenstone3 v3.03 has been released for Windows, GNU/Linux and in Source form (it runs on the Mac no problem; just recompile from source). This release finally contains all the features in Greenstone2, including OAI-PMH and Remote Building support (which are new to this version). It is now very easy to install — just as easy as Greenstone2! This release has been extensively tested.

The principal difference between Greenstone2 and Greenstone3 is the format language. Greenstone3 supports more sophisticated XSLT format statements. Right now they are more complex to use, but developments in the pipeline will make it far easier than Greenstone2 in future. (The only other differences are that Greenstone3 still lacks collaging, and collection/document-level authentication.)

There is one known issue. We forgot to ensure that collections built with Greenstone2 are automatically converted when loaded into GLI under Greenstone3. We will add this facility, but for now a manual conversion program is available here; instructions for its use appear in Greenstone3 for Greenstone2 Users.

Greenstone2 will continue to be supported for a long time yet (years), but ultimately we see Greenstone3 replacing it. See the Greenstone3 home page and the Wiki for more details.

7 Responses to “Greenstone3.03 released!”

  1. Waleed sid Ahmed Says:

    ارغب في انزال نسخة للتجربة حيث انني ادير قواعد البيانات في مجال عملي
    ولما لقرين استون من سمعة طيبة رغبت في تجربة النسخة وتحويل بعض قواعد بيانات winisis

  2. riyaz ahmed a.v. Says:

    I am working as lectuer,islamiah College,Vaniyambadi.
    1. How create user login name.
    2. How connect multiple system greenstone software.

    Thanking you

    yours faithfully

    riyaz ahmed

  3. Amr abu el ftoh Says:

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
    لقد قمت بإنشاء مكتبة رقمية بإستخدام نظام جرين استون واريد نشرها علي شبكة الإنترنت فماهي الخطوات التي يمكن اتباعها داخل نظام جرين استون لنشر هذه المكتبة .

  4. Amr abu el ftoh Says:

    برجاء مراسلتي عبر البريد الإلكتروني التالي :
    [email protected]

  5. Amr abu el ftoh Says:

    May peace and God’s mercy and blessings

    You have the establishment a digital library using Greenstone system and I want publish these library on the Internet.
    what steps could be followed within
    Greenstone for the publish these library on the Internet????
    Please contact via e-mail follows:
    [email protected]

  6. Kamal Says:

    الاخوان /عمر ابو الفتوح و وليد سيد أحمد
    للحصول علي الإجابات المناسبة يمكنكم الإشتراك في القائمة البريدية للبرنامج و التي يتوفر عنوانها في مدونة برنامج قرينستون للمكتبة الرقمية
    كما يمكنكم المراسلة عبر البريد الإلكتروني [email protected]
    و تقبلوا تحياتي

  7. ingiltere vizesi Says:

    هذه هي بلدي وليس من المستغرب بعد ذلك ، ولكن بفضل..