Sam’s Greenstone Blog 20/1/2012
One of the things we have been doing this week is deciding the best way to handle user authentication in Greenstone 3. We have a very basic system in place at the moment but we would like something more robust. At the moment we are investigating using the authentication system in the web-server we use for Greenstone 3 (Apache Tomcat). We need to make sure it has the flexibility we require so that collection administrators have the power to allow/prevent users access to the collection as well as (possibly) access to individual documents.
I have been continuing to assist the masters student I mentioned last week. We have been working on a way to download and replace parts of a collection via the web interface. We think that this functionality may be useful if you want to add/replace an image or run an image through your own OCR program for example.
Finally, I have been further adding to Greenstone’s CGI metadata capabilites, filling in any holes that are missing in the API. As part of this I have started developing a Javascript API which should (theoretically) make using these CGI calls a lot easier.